Thursday, December 14, 2017

Enter! The Ultra Beasts! (PART 6!?)

Well, Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon have long come out, and playing the game was pretty good. However, I might be doing extra parts on the Ultra Beasts, where I model my own version of the Ultra Beast. The new Ultra beasts include Poipole and it's evolution Naganadel (Also known as UB-Adhesive), Pennyw- I mean Bacephalon (Also known as UB-Burst) and Donald Trump's Wall in Pokemon form called Stakataka (Also known as UB-Assembly.)

I would love to work on these models... if I had a computer that could allow me to do such thing. Sadly, the college I'm in that I'm required to go to is unfortunately lacking any such thing, meaning I'm stuck here without any way of doing 3D modeling.


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Unfinished Strider Sequel

It's been forever since I've done one of these posts. It's probably gonna be a long time before I do another one too.

Well, this is a mostly unfinished scene from my Strider series. This image shows 3 Striders coming to what remains of a battle that happened 50 years prior to the time in this image. As for the 3 Striders standing, the one on the left is Tourmaline, the one in the middle is Agate, and the one on the right is Topaz. They are New Generation Striders. I've mentioned them in a previous post (check this post: As for the cave, it's a terrible sight. The rotted and decayed corpses of humans and aliens, specifically Gnarlash (check this post:, as well as dead, rusting Striders. At the end of the cave is a somewhat familiar face, in a different position from the rest of the bodies. It's Blue. What the heck happened here?

Well the reason this scene exists is because I pretty much tell the rest of the story of my Strider series. (For part 1, check this post:
For part 2, check this post:
For part 3, check this post:
For Part 4, check this post:
For the whole story, including after part 4, in case you don't wanna look at the parts, check this post. Just be prepared for a crap-ton of reading: After learning space travel, something bad happens, and Blue is forced to reside on an uncharted planet in the galaxy that he made as his own personal getaway. The forces that attacked pursued him, but they had no idea that the place was rigged with defenses and traps should any unwelcome guests come by. The army that followed was quickly shredded, but still attacked nonetheless. Trapped in a cave, Blue made a final stand. He emerged victorious in the end, but was left critically injured to the point where he shut down, with most of his systems malfunctioning. There, he rusted for the next 50 years until a group of archaeologist Striders, the aforementioned Agate, Topaz, and Tourmaline, found him.

As for why this scene was finished, I was attempting to pick up on some new tricks for modeling scenes. While here it looks like a simple half-sphere with an opening to be somewhat like a cave, I was trying to create a cave system that led to this scene. It would've looked awesome...

Well. this will be the last post I make or a long time. Unless I do a shitpost. Who knows?

Thursday, May 18, 2017

E-102 Gamma and E-101 Beta MK 2

Something I've wanted to do for a while, I have made my own model of the short-lived, yet incredibly developed E-Series robot: E-102, codenamed "Gamma". Gamma first and only appeared in Sonic Adventure and its remake: Sonic Adventure DX as a playable character. I have also made his brother, E-101 Beta MK2, the Final Boss in Gamma's story.

Gamma himself is a powerful E-100 Series robot. As one of Eggman's destructive gunner robots, E-102 is built for battle. His main weapon is a machine gun that can internally transform into a 15.5 cm missile launcher that can fire Homing Missiles in rapid succession after locking on with a laser targeting device on his head. Due to the targeting device, E-102's shots are always accurate and allows the pinpoint accuracy to find an enemy's weak spot. In addition to his missile launcher, E-102 has a variety of modes to change his body frame to suit a situation. He features a normal, upright position when he is walking or moderately running; in a hurry, he crouches down so he can roll on a set of wheels behind his feet to increase his speed, and when he encounters water or another insufficient place to walk, his feet fold in and a rotor appears from his torso, allowing him to float over the obstacle indefinitely and to fly in the air like in the cutscene where he left the Egg Carrier after Tails and Amy left it. He also has a headlight attached to his torso, but it is never actually used in-game. Eggman also installed Gamma with the ability to accept Level Up Items into his system. The Laser Blaster upgraded Gamma's weapon and allowed him to lock-on to an increased number of enemies and deal extensive damage. The Jet Booster permitted Gamma the ability to hover for some time and cross longer distances in the air.

Following its upgrade, E-101 Beta Mark II became a powerhouse of a fighting machine in almost every way over its previous form and was the strongest E-Series robot of its time. E-101 Beta Mark II possessed jets and a tail-like rudder that granted it flight and super speed, enough to leave afterimages in its wake. It was also much more swift an agile than its previous form, being able to dodge missiles at extreme speed. Some of its new weapons included the ability to launch several guided missiles and it had an advanced tracking system in its single green eye. Additionally, it was equipped with energy cannons that could fire yellow beams powerful enough to cause massive explosions upon impact and be charged for even greater power. Besides weapon capabilities, E-101 Mark II could create rainbow-colored force-fields that could deflect projectiles and even be used offensively by ramming it into opponents. It was also capable of teleportation for avoiding attacks. Additionally, it had large and durable spiky shield-like gauntlets which could knock away missiles by backhanding them (THAT'S SO FREAKING COOL!!!) and be used for high-speed charging attacks.

As for his boss battle, here's how it goes: Beta MK2 will float from left to right, launching missiles during that time, which can be targeted to destroy them. Attacking him is useless while he's doing this. He'll either dodge your missile strikes or outright backhand them away. When he dodges backward, thats when you should prepare yourself: he'll charge forward in an energy dome, which is very fast, but is avoidable. if you dodge him, while his back is turned, quickly shoot him to damage him. After taking another hit, he'll starts going haywire. He will then move overhead the platform you two are facing, and will start firing energy blasts at you from above, which have large explosions once they hit the ground. After taking a 3rd hit, his blasts become more powerful, and his last one will have an even bigger explosion radius. Hit him for the 4th time, and he will be defeated. You simply have to keep moving and pay attention if you want this battle to go smoothly.

This story is kinda long, so be prepared for a lot of reading. Gamma is the second in line (3rd, if you could ZERO, aka E-100 Alpha) of the E-Series robots made by Dr. Eggman to serve aboard his flying fortress, the Egg Carrier. Shortly after being made, Gamma was pitted against his more advanced older brother, E-101 Beta. Despite Beta having superior upgrades, Gamma managed to best him. Eggman still had use for Beta, however, and sent him aboard the Egg Carrier to be upgraded. On the carrier, Gamma and his other brothers E-103 Delta, E104 Epsilon, and E-105 Zeta gathered in front of Eggman. They were sent to find a certain frog with a tail (which happened to have a Chaos Emerald inside of it that Eggman was looking for) before their fortress could finally be launched to see who is the most useful. While on Emerald Coast, Gamma saw the frog, Froggy, Eggman was talking about before swiping it from Big The Cat (AKA, the worst character made in Sonic.) All the robots returned with their own frogs for Eggman to inspect. Eggman was furious at all of them until he saw Gamma's frog, commending him for completing the mission. As for the rest, he teleported them to his different bases to serve as mere guard robots. Zeta looked at Gamma horrified before being teleported, a sight that would haunt Gamma for a while. After the Egg Carrier went skyward, Amy Rose was taken captive aboard the Carrier with a Blue Flicky by ZERO, and Gamma was sent to their prison cell to take the Flicky, which had another Chaos Emerald strapped on its pendant. On his way, he accidentally came upon his older brother Beta, who was undergoing torturous upgrades. Gamma continued to search for the cells, albeit a bit disturbed. He finally finds the cells and demands Amy to give him the bird. Amy refuses and explains the bird's situation, and then questions Gamma. Gamma finds illogicality in his programming because of conflicting interests. He then wonders why should you save that of which is useless, to which Amy replied that he didn't need to obey Eggman. When the Blue Flicky flew up to Gamma's face, knowing that it's pink relative rests inside him, and stared at him for a while, Gamma released Amy and the Flicky. Surprised, Amy said that Gamma must be different from the other robots, and would like to be his friend. Gamma was then called by Eggman to kill Sonic and Tails, who boarded the Egg Carrier on the Tornado MK2, and he did battle with the interlopers. Eggman went off to handle Chaos. Before the fight could end, however, Amy interrupted, telling Sonic and Tails not to hurt him, and telling them he released her, and that he was her friend. Sonic and Tails reluctantly stopped battling him, and Amy pleads to Gamma to stop as well, complying to her. The Egg Carrier then started to lose altitude, and Amy told Gamma to free himself while also quickly explaining the value of friendship. As Gamma hovered off the falling Egg Carrier into he Mystic Ruins, he was looking through what's happened in his life, with images of Amy repeatedly popping up in his mind. He then finally deemed Eggman the enemy and deleted his registration. He then started his "rescue" mission by freeing the animals inside of his brethren. Gamma first found and destroyed Delta in Windy Valley, then he located Epsilon in Red Mountain on Angel Island, and eradicated him as well, freeing the animals. Afterward, he ran a scan to locate Zeta; his results showed that Zeta was not in any range of the Mystic Ruins or Station Square. Gamma realized that he must be aboard the Egg Carrier. So he returned to the Egg Carrier to find Zeta. He was horrified when he saw that Zeta had been built into a large defense system for the Egg Carrier. After destroying the upgraded and much more heavily fortified version of Zeta, he overlooked his progress, trying to locate the final E-series model, E-101 Beta, knowing that he must be on or around the Egg Carrier. He also overlooked himself as the other E-Series Robot he needed to "save." As he was thinking on the deck of the Egg Carrier, he saw Beta zipping by as the newly rebuilt E-101 Beta MK2. Gamma ran to were Beta was, who was waiting for him, and they engaged in a final confrontation. Despite Beta being superior in every way, Gamma managed to best him. As he walked closer to finish him off, Beta used the last of his strength to fire a point-blank blast at Gamma, severely wounding him, before exploding. As Gamma limped away from the explosion, he saw the White Flicky flying away from Beta, and his life literally flashes before his eyes before coming across an image of a family of Flickies. Realizing what needed to be done, he collapses and dies, exploding and releasing the Pink Flicky inside him. The two Flickies join together, and reunited with Amy Rose's Blue Flicky. The Trio of birds are later seen when Perfect Chaos destroys Station Square, and Sonic transforms into Super Sonic to stop him.

Gamma would be referenced several times throughout the series, and even somewhat made a reappearance in the awesome Sonic Battle as E-102 Chaos Gamma. Unlike Gamma, Chaos Gamma followed Eggman without question, and had a bitter rivalry with the main character, a Gizoid named Emerl. Chaos Gamma, though, still had some free will like Gamma, but in a more tragic sense. Instead, he was consumed by jealously and revenge to the point where he suffers both on his body and mind. Chaos Gamma looks near identical to Gamma, but lacks his headlight and has two arms that transforms into weapons rather than one arm being only an arm cannon. Heck, some characters even mistake him for the original Gamma. Chaos Gamma had mass-produced copies of himself called Guard Robo's, grey recolors of Chaos Gamma that do not speak at all.

In Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Adventure 2: Battle, E-1000's guard the pyramid base. They looks very similar to Gamma, but have the same weapons as Beta MK 1. They could be destroyed very easily, though.

In Sonic Heroes, apparently Omega of Team Dark references Gamma and Beta if you clear a stage with an E-Rank, and he has the highest score, where he says "I couldn't even beat Gamma or Beta."

Gamma shows up as a secret playable character in a game called Sonic Shuffle, apparently being revived through "the power of dreams". Sonic Shuffle is basically Mario Party, but with Sonic Characters. I have never played the game, but people said it was horrible.

His Sonic X Counterpart's history, as well as Beta's, is near identical to his game counterpart, but instead of destroying his brothers (except Beta), he reprograms them to release the animals inside of them, shutting the robots down in the process. Gamma also try to reason with Beta that Eggman was evil, but Beta refuses to listen, calling him a traitor, and thus they fought to the death. Also, in his final fight with Beta MK2, Amy was there to witness the battle, and instead of Beta fatally wounding Gamma, they both instantly killed each other at the same time, releasing their Flickies. Amy was absolutely horrified, and mourned Gamma's death. Beta was also renamed E-101 "Kai".

Gamma's and Beta's Archie Comics counterparts after the Genesis Wave are identical to their game counterparts. Before the Genesis Wave, though, Gamma's life was the same as his game counterpart until after his battle with E-101 Beta MK2 (Who was colored Red and Black instead of Black and White), in which he survived and made it his mission to free every single E-100 Unit. After destroying E-1000, the last one left, he became an assassin and traveled the world fighting the Eggman Empire. He silently and stealthily helped out many resistance fighters, but never joined any group, working completely on his own. After a year of working solo, he wast starting to wear down from his battles. Shadow The Hedgehog was sent from G.U.N. to recruit him, but was ambushed by him. Gamma then saw that Shadow was no enemy, and was thus an ally. After Shadow explains why he was searching for Gamma, Gamma agrees to join, believing his time fighting the Empire alone is over. Before they could return to the rendezvous point, E-123 Omega, the newly created and last of the E-100 series, appeared, having been sent by Eggman to terminate Gamma. Shadow held Omega busy while he told Gamma to flee. After Omega defeated Shadow, he proceeded to hunt down Gamma. Through the radio, they exchange comments about their strengths and weaknesses before Gamma takes Omega down with some precise shots, although he is undamaged. Gamma comments that while Omega is a walking arsenal, he himself is an assassin, with Omega acknowledging his strengths, and seeing how he could defeat the other E-100 units. Gamma then approaches Omega and surrenders, admitting Omega was right: Gamma was outdated, and the resistance needed something more. As Omega prepared to destroy Gamma, Gamma told him his soul was indestructible, and would live on inside Omega, despite Omega's mockery. Shadow attempted to intervene, but was too late. Omega then destroyed him in front of Shadow, releasing the Flicky inside, but not before Gamma uploaded his Free Will program into Omega, giving him a free will of his own. Gamma gave some parting words to Omega before finally disappearing and allowing the program to take full effect. Unwilling and unable to follow Eggman's orders anymore due to having a free will now, Omega joined G.U.N. in place of Gamma, and he and Shadow built a grave marker in his memory.

Well, the school year is closing soon. I plan on making one last model before I go.

Monday, April 3, 2017

What are the Striders Part 3: Characters

Blue: The main protagonist of the Strider series, and the Son of the King and Queen. He was once an elite member of the Royal Guard, but then was betrayed by his own mother, who wishes to incite a war on humanity. He seeks to bring her to justice and stop the war from happening. Calm, cool, and collected defines him. He has a strong sense of justice, and is single-minded towards his goals, possessing an incredible amount of determination. He cares for his friends and family, even the Queen, despite all the wrongs she put onto him. In battle, he's an expert with his Light Sword, which can cut through metal like a 1500 Degree Knife through butter. He's generally an expert at using anything that can cut, including Daggers and flying disks with razor-sharp rings on them. Besides his weapons, he's an expert at hand-to-hand combat, being able to trounce multiple opponents. Currently is the new ruler of the Striders.

Green: Blue's friend, whom helps him on his quest to stop the Queen. He was ready to enlist into the Detective Agency of the Royal Guard, but refused when Blue told him of the Queen's lies. Unlike his more quiet friend Blue, Green is more talkative. He's snarky, sometimes sarcastic, and likes to tell jokes. He's really is a nice person though, and will gladly help anyone in need. His intellect and problem-solving skills is what nearly got him into the Detective Agency. When it comes to combat, he overwhelms is opponents with his movement and skill. Although proficient at many weapons, he usually prefers reach, as he is armed with a Light Staff and a built-in arm cannon that can be tuned to many different kinds of shooting modes, with his most powerful mode being the White Noise Cannon. Currently acts as the ambassador for the Striders.

Grey (Right): A Strider who's in the higher class. He works alongside his best friend, White. He prefers to live life like it is, comfortable with the way he is, and is fairly easygoing and casual. He prefers to take things slow most of the time. He does have a strong sense of right and wrong, and like his friend, is somewhat curious regarding certain events, leading him into contact with runaways Blue and Green. While he's hardly a fighter, he makes up for it with his hacking skills.

White (Left): A Strider who's in the higher class. He works alongside his best friend, Grey. Unlike Grey, he lives life in the fast lane, always striving for more and is always on the move, and is very competitive. He does share his friend's curiosity and sense of right and wrong, and suggested contacting Blue and Green in the first place. He's no fighter, but he does have many connections that can help him get some jobs done.

The Queen: The main antagonist of the Strider Series, and Blue's mother. Originally named "Love", she was crowned ruler of the Striders due to her marvelous efforts in creating their city and foundation alongside her husband, the King. Originally kind, passionate, and willing to give her all for her people, that all changed when her Son, who would later go on to become Blue, was nearly killed after an encounter with humans, turning her vain, manipulative, and thirsty for human blood. Most of the Striders crave human blood now, so she plans on starting a war to crush the humans completely. While she is blinded by her desire to get revenge on the humans, that isn't to say that she isn't cautious and a planner for the future. She has upgraded herself to have powerful abilities, and even has wings that grant her the ability of flight. Her staff fires devastating lasers. She eventually confessed to all Striders of her actions to start a war, and is locked up for life.

The Commander (Left): The commander of the Royal Guard, who's real name is Orange (though people usually call him Orge (spelled oh-erg)). He's lived a very long time, and has been in command of the Royal Guard for almost all his life. During the capture of Blue, his hands we're cut clean off, and as a substitute for his hands, he was given an experimental shapeshifting blue liquid that acts according to his will. This leaves him with a deep-seated hatred of Blue. He obeys the Queen without question, no matter what her motives may be. He's a very confident individual who has worked on various military projects in the past in the event of war. While he claims he does things in the name of the people, he couldn't be anymore excited to fight people. When not using his many contraptions, expect him to be wielding a giant mace and a machine gun, both being heavy-hitting weapons. He was eventually slain by Blue and Green, despite his efforts.

The Knight: Sub-commander of the Royal Guard, and sometimes acts as the Queen's personal bodyguard. He is the brother of Blue, originally named Second. His name was changed to Navy after a subsequent upgrade, and his callsign became Knight. He's known that something was fishy about the queen ever since she was going to spearhead the war on the humans. Navy has a code of honor, and has a strong sense of what is right and wrong. While he is bound by loyalty, if he senses that there is some kind of dishonor in his superiors, he will gladly desert. Being a Knight, he's trained in the art of swords, and does especially well with his double-sided sword. He sadly died saving his brother's life from The Queen.

The King: The very first Strider ever made, and was once the ruler of all Striders. Originally named First, he was and always has been a peaceful Strider. When others call for war, he calls for peace. His people are extremely loyal to him, and will even give their lives for him. Sadly, he was assassinated by his own wife, the Queen, while attending a meeting for a truce between Humans and Striders, with his death nearly inciting a war.

The Berserker: Originally named the "Zeus" unit, the Berserker is a silent goliath of huge power. As the Zeus unit, part of a project to create a hero for the people, it was deemed a failure when it's personality somehow got corrupted, turning it from a bringer of hope to a bringer of atrocity. Despite being reprogrammed, destroyed, and rebuilt repeatedly, the corruption still remained, turning worse and worse. It was sealed away for good and commissioned to be destroyed permanently, until the Commander got a hold of the Project. While it doesn't show much emotion at all, it is known to be very destructive, and  has a hatred of Blue, since he participated in the project and also destroyed him repeatedly. Is skilled in a variety of weapons, mainly it's Sword, Spear, and it's main weapon of choice, its Hammer. Can even fly. Was eventually put down for good, thanks to the combined efforts of Blue and Green.

Aside from the main characters, I have some that have use for the future:

Agate: An archeologist and history-researcher. He has an incredible amount of determination, and is always trying to find the truth about something. His work has gotten him some recognition from other scientists. He's a bit snarky and sarcastic, much to his friends chagrin, but he does know how to lead and establish trust in others. He's also into dark humor, which not many people are fond of. It seems he and his friends are searching for something...

Topaz: Agate's friend. She too is an archeologist and researches history, sharing Agate's curiosity. She's a go-getter who will see her goals achieved. Unlike Agate, however, she knows what she can do and what she cant do, which leads to her often butting heads and bickering with the even higher-achieving Agate. Nevertheless, the two have been friends for a long time, and are almost like brother and sister, with Topaz often being the older sister. She has a habit of cursing aggressively when angered, and she does have quite a temper. It seems she too is searching for something...

Tourmaline: Agate and Topaz's friend. While normally quiet, cool and calm, he does deeply care for his friends, willing to protect them. Like Agate and Topaz, he's an archeologist. He's tough, and thinks things through logically and carefully. He's a really cool guy, despite his towering stature. He'd also prefer to avoid danger rather than run towards it. It seems that he's also searching for something...

What are the Striders Part 2: Anatomy, Economy, etc.

Now we're getting into the nitty gritty of things: what are the Striders themselves? This will be answered in this post.

The Striders are essentially self-aware robots that can think, feel, and act like humans. While having processors like computers, they still can think metaphysically, act on what they want, etc. Their personalities differ just like humans. They can range from being cocky and narcissistic, loving and caring, cool and badass, emo and gloomy, having a few screws loose, or even be psychopaths and sociopaths bent on causing harm or death to others. Ever since their existence was made known the the world, they are in many ways considered to be human as well. While clearly ready for combat, they are mostly a pacifist race, only resorting to violence when all other options have been exhausted.

When the King and Queen were built, they were pure machines made of metal, wires, computer chips, and the like. As they built more Striders, however, they improved on the original design, making their forms much more flexible. After the discovery of nanofiber, this made them more durable and flexible, to the point that they could give themselves new faces. This fiber also made them slightly organic, allowing them to reproduce like mammals instead of assembling them.

The iconic visors you see on the Striders are actually masks hiding their true faces. They look similar to humans. They even have hair, thanks to nanofiber. Like humans, their faces differ from each other.

The colors of each Strider differ most of the time to give them more unique looks, although people higher in power have the most distinct colors.

A Striders' internal makings consists of machinery, wires, nanofiber, and a power core of infinite energy located where our hearts would be. Because of this infinite energy, a Strider can potentially live indefinitely. That isn't the total case, however, as Striders do rust and fall apart as they age. They just have far longer lifespans than humans, ranging from an average life expectancy between 150 years to over 400 years. Striking the power core will have them run on backup power, in which they are essentially getting way closer to death. Their head contains their main processor unit that has evolved to think like humans and be self-aware.

Once a Strider dies, that's it. They cannot be rebuilt, they cannot be reprogrammed back. Everything that Strider was and was going to be is gone forever.

The Strider economy is not unlike that of humans. They have jobs, they govern, and use a currency called Nanons for trade. Since Viate City is slowly expanding, more jobs for Striders can exist. The government system is far better than humans, but is not without any kind of corruption. The Royal Guard is essentially a peace keeping unit for the city, acting as the city's all-in-one protection unit. From being the police to acting as firefighters, they can do it all, and make sure that the safety of all Striders is ensured through their actions. Unfortunately, most do mindlessly do anything to the King or Queen's heart, leading to some corruption of them via higher ranks.

The technology they wield is far better than that of humans. From tangible holograms and flying cars, to highways made of light and their greatest creation: Quantum Manipulator Devices, or QMD's for short. Quantum Manipulator Devices use subatomic particles called Quantum Particles. These particles, with the right technology, can mimic any kind of element that's non organic. With even more technology, they can be used to create entire objects, from something as small as a knife to something as crazy as a skyscraper. With these devices, however, the exact dimensions of the object must be calculated before it can be formed, something that the Striders can do with no problem at all.

Quantum Particles were found after an expedition to another dimension, during a scientific experiment. The researchers found these particles in abundance in that dimension, and they were abundant in their own dimension too. Quantum Particles have the uncanny ability to multiply themselves at an exceedingly fast rate, allowing for no shortage of Quantum Particles.

Most Striders come programmed with some form of combat knowledge in the event they are faced with danger as a self-defense mechanism. These Striders, despite maybe having a position in the Royal Guard, will often look for other jobs.

Well, that's all I have to say about the way of life in the Strider World.

What are the Striders Part 1: History of the Striders

If anybody has looked into my blog, you might have seen something about "Striders," and if anybody has been keeping up with my blog (not that anybody would, though), then you may have an idea. You probably don't know the full story of these sentient robots, so you might ask yourself: what exactly ARE the Striders, besides obviously being robots? Well, first, the history of the Striders will be implemented. I would've posted in in one of my future parts for the Strider Series, but I'm as lazy for making another part as much as my peers are in school for doing anything important. So, spoilers for what has yet to be revealed will be revealed here.

To put it simply, the Striders are a race of highly advanced robots created by a brilliant scientist named Dr. Adificium, or Dr. Adi for short. Having knowledge of advanced robotics, and seeing as robotics we're booming around his time, he decided to make a robot that would be truly revolutionary. He disregarded Issac Asimov's Laws of Robotics and programmed the very first Strider. Being able to replicate the thought process of a human being, whilst still maintaining it's computer-like thinking, this Strider was amazing. It could read feelings, project emotions, think metaphysically, and, most importantly, was given a "soul." This Strider was simply named "First." First worked with Dr. Adi to make great things happen. Unfortunately, military businesses and such wanted the blueprints to First so they can make their own self-aware combat robots. Knowing that it would make any military unstoppable, Dr. Adi refused.

Eventually, Dr. Adi built a second Strider.  Her name was, at first, "Love." First and Love would come together and love each other. Soon, though, military corporations started taking drastic measures to make their own Striders. They failed, and soon turned their attention on Dr. Adi, and stormed his laboratory. Dr. Adi entrusted First and Love with a hard-drive containing all info on his previous inventions, his inventions he's currently working on, and his concepts for the future, as well as the blueprints for Striders. They ran away, and Dr. Adi, knowing that they weren't going to take him alive, and would turn all of his inventions into weapons of mass destruction, sacrificed himself by blowing up his laboratory, claiming the lives of himself and the soldiers that were storming it.

 First, knowing of a hidden secondary lab, bright Love with him there. Calling this place home, they stayed there for a while, and built more Striders so they wouldn't be so lonely with only the two of them. The expanded the laboratory more and more with the help of other Striders, eventually creating a city hidden from the rest of the world, where they lived in peace. But, being that Striders have thought processes like humans, Striders would go rogue, and thus the Royal Guard was created, and The Commander was made to command said Guard. For all of their hard work and importance for creating the society they now have, the Striders crowned First and Love King and Queen of the city, and officially gave the city a name: Viate City, or the City of Life. Shortly after the beginning of their society, they built for them a son called... "Son." Son was their pride and joy, and the city believed that they were going into a great era of peace. Son made friends with another young Strider called Green, who dreamed of being with the Royal Guard. Over time, the Strider Race quickly upgraded themselves, eventually integrating nano fiber into their biology, and made many more important inventions, including the now-recent invention of nanomachines.

Everything seemed great... until one fateful day. Son, now older and upgraded, was on a small expedition with other Striders when they came upon humans for the first time. The world had greatly changed as they built their society. Thinking them to be dangerous robots, the humans attacked them viciously, and Son was nearly killed in the attack. This left the King and Queen devastated, as well as the rest of Viate City. The Striders demanded that they go to war, but the King insisted that they remain calm, much to the Queen's chagrin, who grew a hatred of humans. Whilst trying to figure something out, now that their existence is known, the Queen had built another son called "Second" in secret. The King found out and was disappointed that she made a replacement, but left it so. Taking Son's body, they rebuilt and revived him, and now he was known as Blue, but the Queen programmed combat knowledge into Blue so that he wouldn't die again. Second was later upgraded into Knight.

Humans then landed in the outskirts of their city, asking to talk with the King. The King answered to the request, and after a rather long conversation, agreed to sign treaties with each other. At the meeting place, Blue was assigned to guard him. The Queen, unforgiving of the humans and now her own husband, followed them in secret. There, she assassinated everyone, including the King, but Blue, with a Sniper. Blue returned to the city, but knew of the Queen's acts. The Queen knew he would attempt to tell everyone, so she gave the city's detective agency, now led by Green, the Sniper used at the meeting. By using technology to form Blue's NFA (Nano-Fiberic Acid, the Strider Equivalent of DNA after the nano fiber upgrade), she pointed all evidence to him, prompting officials to detain him and sentence him to execution. Green knew this was wrong, and Blue told him everything he knew. Then Blue was put in the execution chamber, and thus the series began...

If you haven't watched the whole series from the beginning, then this is how it goes: The series officially begins with Grey and White having a conversation with each other as they walk into the Execution chamber. As The Commander prepares to pull the lever and have Blue die by spikes and lava, Green interrupts and knocks out the Commander, and fends off some grunts. The Queen and the Audience leave the scene, and Blue is freed unharmed with the help of Green, as well as defeating all of the grunts in the area. During the commotion, the Commander escaped unseen, and headed to the Berserker Chamber to give the Berserker an upgrade.

They then leave for the nearest prison in order to create a distraction so they can move a bit more freely, but the Queen had sent more guards to protect the place, leading to a somewhat one-sided battle. That was until Green pulled out his trump card: the White Noise Cannon. With it, he reduced every grunt to nothing with the exception of the Warden, who was equipped with an energy shield. Before the Warden could finish off the drained Green, he was finished off by Blue. Afterwards, the Queen gets a call from the Commander about the projects he's working on to end this rebellion, but the Queen suspects that he's going to fail somehow, leading her to make her own precautions. Afterwards, Blue and Green get a call from Grey and White, who want some answers from them. After hearing of what really happened, Grey and White lend Green and Blue their support.

They head to Grey's apartment to rest. On the streets of Viate City, the prisoners from the prison Blue and Green broke into are mostly rounded up with the efforts of Knight and the grunts, but then word gets out that prisoners have somehow managed to break free two more prisons, leading to double the trouble. Blue, spectating from above, give's Green and the others an update on the situation, and heads back to the apartment. Unknown to him, though, is that the vengeful Berserker is watching him, but The Commander tells him to save his strength for when the real battle begins.

On their way to the weapons vault, Blue and green come across the newly upgraded Berserker, lying in power-down mode in a chamber. Blue explains that the Berserker was originally part of Project Zeus a project meant to create a hero for the people, invented by The King. Blue and the Commander were spearheading the project, but the personality of the Berserker got corrupted, turning it from a bringer of justice into a bringer of atrocity. They took drastic measures to reprogram the Berserker, destroying and shutting it down, only to reactivate and rebuild it, but it's malice got worse and worse each time, and even escaped containment several times. In the end, it was renamed the Berserker Unit, and was to be destroyed permanently. Green deduces that the Commander had something to do with its upgrade, and the Commander appears via hologram, and explains that the chamber they're in is made of Quantum Particles, allowing them to built solid holo-reality objects at the flick of a switch. He then tells them that this technology even blocks the exits, allowing them no escape. After transforming the chamber into a giant arena, he finally releases the Berserker to have its revenge on Blue, and the Berserker attacks.

Continuing where I left off from the actual series, Blue and Green are pitted against the Silent Berserker, now upgraded. They prove to be no match for the Berserker, who brutally assaults them. Eventually, though, a program hidden by the King activates within Blue, and Blue gains the ability to manipulate nanomachines. Using the nanomachines, he re-contains The Berserker, and they manage to escape to the weapons vault. Green gains access to an EMP configuration for his blaster, while Blue gains two new weapons: QMD Daggers (Quantum Manipulator Device Daggers. Essentially infinite daggers) and two floating orbs with razor-sharp disks that can be controlled.

As they leave, they are confronted once again by a hologram of The Commander, who uses another device to create evil clones of Green and Blue called "The Darks." Green and Blue manage to overcome their evil doppelgangers, and retreat back to Grey's apartment.

There, they hack into the mainframe of the Queen's citadel in order to plan out their attack. Suddenly, they are attacked by The Berserker again, who nearly kills White. Using their newfound gear, they overpower and crush the Berserker. After that, Grey rushes White to the Hospital, while Blue and Green find sanctuary underground.

After resting there, they head out in the sewers to the citadel, only to be stopped by The Knight, who's real name is Navy after being upgraded. Navy challenges Blue to a mano-y-mano duel. Blue, despite almost losing, defeats his brother, and convinces him to join their side, since he knew there was always something fishy about the Queen ever since the King died.

During the siege of the citadel, they encounter enhanced versions of the usual grunts they faced off with. They then come face-to-face with the Commander. The Commander says that he would've respected Blue more if he didn't rob him of his original hands during Blue's capture. The blue metallic shape-shifting liquid around what was once his hands serve as a constant reminder of why Blue needs to die. After destroying several of his contraptions, the 3 Fight The Commander himself, to which he is finally defeated and slain. Afterwards, they finally reach the Queen herself.

The Queen engages in battle with the 3 rebelling Striders, and when she unleashes a devastating attack on Blue, Navy jumps in the way and takes it, sacrificing himself and dying. Outraged, Blue and Green attack the Queen with all of their might, and after a crazy, hard-fought battle, the 2 emerge victorious. Using the city-wide announcer microphone, they force her to confess of her crimes against the Striders and the Human race.

The Queen is then imprisoned for life in Ultra-Maxim Security, and while unwanting of the position, Blue was elected as the new ruler of Viate city, and leads the city towards a new era of great peace. Green became his ambassador, and made peace contracts with the rest of the world. Soon Striders got sent to to other countries, and thanks to combining sciences, they even reached space travel and made contact with alien life forms, both friendly and hostile. Everything, though, seemed to go good, until...

Whelp, that's the entire history for this part of The Strider Series. Next, I'll be taking about what the Striders are and what their life is like.

Friday, February 24, 2017

The Most Busted Pokemon Yet

Okay, I mentioned it in my last post. It's time we really tackled this topic: Marshadow, the Gloomdweller Pokemon. For those of you who don't know, Marshadow is the 302nd Pokemon in the Alola Dex,  but is currently unobtainable simply because it is officially unrevealed, and thus is unreleased. It was revealed via datamining, and can only be used via hacking (which I do NOT recommend).

As far as official info goes, Marshadow itself is extremely rarely seen, making it the stuff of legend and myth. It is also craven and cowering (in which I call bull$#!+). It also looks cute, but don't be fooled. This tiny little fella can possibly rival even MEGA RAYQUAZA (Although it's not very likely).

Now, the thing that makes Marshadow so remarkable: it's battle properties. Firstly, lets take a look at that motherflipping typing: Ghost. Fighting. If you can do the math in your head, which is a LOT of math, then you come to the absolutely horrifying conclusion that no existing Pokemon can resist it's combination of STAB moves, which is freaking NUTS. That, AND it's a Unique Type Combination. It's also resistant to Poison, Rock, and Bug types, and comes with wonderful immunity to Normal and Fighting Types, but gets cubstomped by Flying, Ghost, Psychic, and Fairy Types. It gets even crazier with it's base stats. Like the Ultra Beasts that I covered, it has a Base Stat Total of 570 (Which makes me realize it still pales in comparison to Mega Rayquaza). Lets see what those stats are:
Base HP: 90
Base Attack: 125
Base Special Attack: 90
Base Defense: 80
Base Special Defense: 90
Base Speed: 125
Firstly, that Base HP is pretty solid. Secondly, that Base Attack is really high. At least not as high as freaking Kartana (still can't get over that 181 stat...), but it's high enough. Next, it's Base Special Attack isn't as high, but it's still a pretty solid stat. It's Base Defense isn't so good, but it's base Special Defense is slightly better. That Base Speed, though, is CRAZY! It's almost as fast as freaking MEWTWO! Oh, but we've barely scratched the surface. It's it's movepool and abilites that makes this thing horrifying.

(Marshadow when attacking)

Before we get to the elephants in the room, let's look at it's regular level-up moves. We should know, though, that it's more of a physical attacker than a special attacker, so the majority of it's moves are physical. Now, onto the moves. It can learn good moves like Laser Focus, Assurance, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Drain Punch, Pursuit, Force Palm, Feint, Rolling Kick, Shadow Sneak, Copycat, Role Play, Jump Kick, Shadow Punch, Psych Up, Close Combat, Sucker Punch, and Endeavor. While it can learn MANY TM's, I'll just list the STAB ones, which are Shadow Ball, Brick Break, Low Sweep, Focus Blast, and Shadow Claw. (For those who might be wondering why I'm listing only TM's, it's because it's only available in Sun and Moon, in which HM's are dead, thank Arceus.)

(Some Cute Art)

Now, here's where things get scary: it's own abilities. Firstly, lets take a look at it's Signature Move. Yes, this thing has a Signature Move. It's a Ghost Type Physical move called Spectral Thief. It deals 90 Damage, has 10 PP, and has 100% accuracy. Is that it? NO. This move's properties are absolutely BROKEN. So let me say it like this: your friend literally just got $50. You're jealous. You punch him and rob him of his money, then proceed to somehow beat him with it until he falls unconscious. What this means in Pokemon terms is that, basically, let's say Marshadow was facing against Eevee. Eevee uses the Z-Move Extreme Evoboost, in which it calls upon the power of its many evolutions to raise ALL of it's stats by 2 stages (thus turning the useless Eevee into an actual threat). You might know where I'm heading to by now. If Marshadow uses Spectral Thief, not only does it outright ROB Eevee of it's Stat Boosts, it takes them for itself! Got a Swords Dance Mimikyu set up for Sweeping? Got a Whimsicott Wall set up with Cotton Guard? Got a Dragon Dance Rayquaza ready for battle? Got a Xerneas that used Geomancy? All of your work is both taken AND used against you with just one use of Spectral Thief. That's literally BUSTED. It' doesn't stop there. It also has the ability Technician, which boosts the power of any damaging move with a power of 60 or less by 50%. Jeez, we can't catch a break. And to put the cherry on top of this ghostly milkshake, it's even has it's own Z-Move called Soul-Stealing 7-Star Strike (try saying that 5 times fast).

(Marshadow: Prepare to get bodied)

By holding Marshadium Z, Marshadow can unleash it's it's Z-Move, using it's Signature Move, Spectral Thief, as the catalyst. It's double the power of Spectral Thief, dealing 180 damage! Then again, it's a Z-Move. What do you expect? While right now, I can't find a gif that has the full thing, I will describe the attack. Marshadow get's surrounded with Z-Power, and stares into the soul of it's target. It punches 7 stars into it, with the star's lining up to form the Z-Power Symbol. It then jumps into the air and dives into it's foe, disappearing into it. It then comes out from behind the foe, sliding across the ground in an epic pose, with it's obliterated foe exploding in ghostly energy (also, cue "Cool Guys Don't Look at Explosions"). It such an anime way of finishing off an opponent, but it looks satisfying to do.

(Even Marshadow is amazed at itself)

By now, you should be convinced that Marshadow puts the O and P in OH CRAP. Sure, it's a Mythical, and Mythical Pokemon are always WAY stronger than regular Pokemon (with the exception of pseudo-legendaries). But Marshadow is a whole new type of OP. It's offensive, IT CAN STEAL STAT BOOSTS, it has it's own Z-MOVE, it's ability boosts the power of what would be considered weak moves BY 50%, and it looks cute while it horribly murders your team. I'm pretty sure it can sweep on its own with the properties it has. It's only downsides is it's type weaknesses, it's a Physical Attacker, and is a wee-bit lacking in Special combat. The other thing that's lacking is it's Shiny Sprites. While not fighting, it's nearly impossible to distinguish Marshadow's Shiny Sprite from it's normal sprite. Usually, Marshadow has a very very pale greenish grey flame on it's helmet-like head. When attacking, it's helmet-like head turns bright green. It's Shiny Sprite literally is the exact same as it's regular Sprite, but the flame is now a very very pale bluish grey. It becomes much more evident when attacking, as it's helmet-like headpiece turns a slightly dark purple.

(The one on the right is it's Shiny Coloration)

Anyways, now to move onto some real-life attributes to it. Marshadow apparently shares traits with Nightmarchers, the ghosts of ancient Hawaiian warriors that escorts the spirits of dead relatives to the Spirit World. They would always be signaled of their approach by drums being heard. You had to go indoors and not look upon them, or you would die where you stand. They would also march over what were once battlefields. If you respected them, great things would happen. Marshadow may also be based on Menehune, which are dwarf-sized people that lived far away from humans. Marshadow may also be a play on Shadowboxing, given the fact that it's a Ghost Type that uses mostly Physical Attacks.

(This exists, apparently)

Anyways, thats all we really have on Marshadow. As stated already, there is currently absolutely no way to legitimately obtain Marshadow. When The Pokemon Company does release it, though, it's gonna be an absolute BEAST. People will probably exploit its weaknesses soon, but it's still gonna be tough to handle, especially with that broken Signature Move and extremely powerful Signature Z-Move.

Okay, I'm officially done talking about Marshadow. Now you know what to expect from it if it pops up online. If you've read this far, then I thank you for reading this post.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Shiny Ultra Beasts

Behold, for I have made Shiny Versions of the Ultra Beasts!  This was SUPER easy to make. All I had to do was either rearrange existing materials or create new materials on the Ultra Beasts. And... that's it really. Compared to making the actual models itself, this was just a mini project. Took me less than an hour to do.

But how do I know the Shiny Versions? There's a thing called hacking. No, I did not hack my game. Rather, other people hacked their own games. If you didn't know, they searched into the game's code and found Shiny Sprites for the Ultra Beasts. The actual Shiny Ultra Beasts are "Shiny Locked", meaning they're impossible to acquire as Shiny Pokemon in-game. The literal only way to get them is via hacking or wait for some event to be officially be released from The Pokemon Company, in which no such event has happened. As for all Shiny-Locked Pokemon, the only ones that are Shiny-Locked are:
Tapu Koko
Tapu Lele
Tapu Bulu
Tapu Fini

Other mentions include Magearna and Marshadow, but the former is event-only, and the latter has yet to be released (I'll probably make a post regarding how absolutely BUSTED Marshadow is). Thankfully, despite being a "Special Pokemon", Type: Null and it's evolution, Silvally (I prefer it's Japanese name, Silvadi), are indeed able to be acquired as Shiny, but you'll probably have to soft-reset the game multiple times, since you can only get one by talking to Gladion on Aether Island after becoming Champion of Alola. Since Silvadi is basically a toned-down Arceus, it's Shiny Color is in a similar fashion to the Llama God himself, with everything white on it turning gold. 

Well, my Ultra Beast Project is officially done now. What ever I do next is up in the air for now.

Monday, February 20, 2017

The Ultra Beasts!

After all this time, they're finally done. My first real project done. I present the Ultra Beasts of Pokemon Sun and Moon! These are the Ultra Beasts in order:

UB-01 Symbiont, AKA Nihilego, the Parasite Pokemon (Center)
UB-02 Absorption, AKA Buzzwole, the Swollen Pokemon (Sun Exclusive) (Far Left)
UB-02 Beauty, AKA Pheromosa, the Lissome Pokemon (Moon Exclusive) (Left)
UB-03 Lighting, AKA Xurkitree the Glowing Pokemon (Behind Buzzwole)
UB-04 Blade, AKA Kartana, the Drawn Sword Pokemon (Sun Exclusive) (Above Buzzwole)
UB-04 Blaster, AKA Celesteela, the Launch Pokemon (Moon Exclusive) (Far Right)
UB-05 Glutton, AKA Guzzlord, the Junkivore Pokemon (Behind Pheromosa)

last little thing, many people (myself included) believe that the 7 Ultra Beasts are based off of the 7 Deadly Sins. That does make some sense, when you think about their individual characteristics.For example:

Nihilego: It's difficult to place which Sin Nihilego belongs to. Nihilego could belong to Sloth, seeing as it merges with unfortunate passerby in order to survive, making it's host do all the work for them.
Buzzwole: Buzzwole clearly represents Pride, as it is one of the strongest Ultra beasts and even flexes constantly, showing off bodybuilding poses at every opportunity. It's a way of showing off it's strength.
Pheromosa: Now Pheromosa clearly represents Lust, as it makes every Pokemon around it, regardless of gender, infatuated with it, drawing them to it. almost like men and women longing for "happy time".
Xurkitree: It's difficult to place which Sin Xurkitree belongs to, but Xurkitree could belong to Greed. seeing as how it's always trying to get electricity whenever it can, even raiding a power plant, it seems that its search for power comes to no end.
Kartana: Kartana easily represents Wrath, showing as every edge on it's body is stupidly sharp, and is even able to cut down skyscrapers in one stroke, showing it's raw power, and the Wrath of what it can do.
Celesteela: Celesteela could represent Envy, but the only from the origin of it's design: The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter. When the cutter found Kaguya-hime (NOT FROM NARUTO), he took her back to his home, and received many riches soon after , making others jealous.
Guzzlord: the picture could not be painted any clearer. From it's code name, actual name, and even description, Guzzlord is the epitome of Gluttony, literally eating EVERYTHING IN SIGHT.

I'm finally finished, but maybe not just yet. I am aware that there are Shiny Versions of these guys. Who knows, I might do them this week as a quick mini project, seeing as I need to just re-arrange some colors.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Enter: The Ultra Beasts! Part 5 (FINAL)

It's all done! It's finally all done! These are the last of the Ultra Beasts: UB-01 Symbiont (AKA Nihilego) and UB-05 Glutton (AKA Guzzlord). With Nihilego, I had an idea as for how I would do it. I did get kinda lazy towards the end. Guzzlord, while not hard to do, was apain, since MAYA 2014 was glitching out a few times. I did the best I could. Nihilego is the first Ultra Beast you can fight (within the story), catch (after the story), and is the ONLY Ultra Beast with ANY relevance to the main plot of the story. Guzzlord is the last Ultra Beast you can catch in the post-game. It too has some story to it as well.

Info: UB-01 Symbiont, AKA Nihilego, the Parasite Pokemon. Nihilego is a parasitic organism, capable of injecting a neurotoxin that subtly alters the thoughts and actions of any human or Pokémon that becomes its host. This neurotoxin stimulates intense feelings of excitement while causing a loss of inhibitions, which acts to forcibly bring out any latent potential within the host while wearing away at their minds. People on the street report observing those infested by it suddenly becoming violent. It's unclear whether or not this Pokémon is sentient. Levels of intelligence are unknown, but according to the Aether Foundation's research it seems to act mainly on a self-preservation instinct. It has been observed behaving like a young girl, though the exact reasons for why it does so are unknown.


Nihilego looks like a weird alien Jellyfish. It also happens to be the most horrifying Pokemon in terms of concepts and what it does. It literally forces out the potential of any human or Pokemon it latches onto in order to survive. Plus, when it was initially revealed, people immediately thought that it was Lillie's true form. The same could be said for Pheromosa and Buzzwole, in which people thought they were Lusamine and Gladion respectively. That turned out not to be the case at all though. Their appearances we're eerily similar to them, though. Liilie's hat and Nihilego's "head" we're very similar, and Pheromosa's look and pose was WAY to similar to Lusamine's.

It also is somewhat the main antagonist of the game besides Lusamine, CEO of the Aether Foundation. Here's the lore: Lusamine's Husband, Mohn, was researching the dimension that the Ultra Beasts reside in which is simply known as Ultra Space. He vanished when he went inside one of the holes to their dimension called the Ultra Wormhole. Lusamine went into depression, then started to become fixated on the Ultra Beasts to the point of monomania (a VERY unhealthy obsession with one thing). She even abandons her children, Lillie and Gladion. During the story, a Nihilego randomly appears at the Aether Island, home base of the Aether Foundation. After you defeat it, it disappears, going back to where it came from. Later on, it appears again while you, Lillie, and Gladion attempt a rescure mission to save Nebby/Cosmog as Lusamine forces Nebby (Insert get in the bag Nebby meme here) to creating Ultra Wormholes all throughout the Alola region, bringing in 6 more Ultra Beasts to wreak havoc throughout the land, one of them ending up fighting the Pokemon Guardian Deity of Melemele Island, Tapu Koko. This nearly kills Nebby, though, and Lusamine escapes with YA BOI GUZMA and the Nihilego into Ultra Space. It then shows up again once you and Lillie awaken Nebby into Solgaleo/Lunala (Depending on which version you have). You and Lillie venture into Ultra Space, except the Nihilego are EVERYWHERE! (You don't fight them, thank Arceus). Lusamine, being exposed to the Neurotoxins of the Nihilego (While still looking beautiful as ever), has acquired control of the Nihilego, and is too far gone to talk into reasoning, not even by her own Daughter. She merges with a Nihilego she caught in a Beast Ball (Pokeball for catching Ultra Beasts), and turns from this:

into this:
After you do battle with her, Solgaleo/Lunala comes in and breaks the fusion, reverting her back to normal and restoring her sanity. You take her back to your own world, where Lillie takes her to the Kanto Region to research how to cure her leftover Neurotoxins. It then shows up one final time in the post-game Ultra Beast missions, where you have to catch one.


Now, to get on to the battle properties of Nihilego. First off, lets look at these crazy stats. High Base HP of 109, allowing for good survival. An embarrassing Base Attack of 59 and an even worse Base Defense of 47. Pretty sure Marshadow and other Physical Attacking Pokemon get 1080 strokes an hour listening to this news. But it's an Ultra Beast. Don't celebrate too early if a few of its stats are bad. Look at that crazy Base Special Attack of 127 and that even crazier Base Special Defense of 131! And to top it all off, it has a Base Speed of 103, equaling to a Base Stat Total of 570. Scary! This thing was made for special attacking, and is the ONLY Ultra Beast with the Unique Type Combination of Poison/Rock. This makes it resistant to Normal, Flying, Bug, Poison, Fire, and Fairy Types, but gets completely crushed by Psychic, Water, Steel, and ESPECIALLY Ground Types. It's almost like a better Primarina (-Crap, that spilled out-). Not only can it out-speed many Pokemon, it can also completely WRECK any Pokemon that aren't prepared for it's specialization in Special Combat.

While it's stats are excellent, it's movepool isn't very good. It' has access to level-up moves like Tickle, Acid, Constrict, Clear Smog, Psywave, Headbutt, Venoshock, Toxic Spikes, Safeguard, Power Gem, Mirror Coat, Acid Spray, Venom Drench, Stealth Rock, Wonder Room, and Head Smash , which doesn't cover much. It also has access to TM moves like Psyshock, Toxic, Thunder, Thunder Blot, Thunder Wave and Charge Beam (somehow), Double Team, Rest Round, Grass Knot, Sleep Talk, Substitute, Trick Room and Dazzling gleam, along with STAB TM moves like Sludge Wave, Sludge Bomb, also Venoshock, and Poison Jab. While it is most certainly strong, it's movepool doesn't cover very much, and you can't really fill in a lot of rolls. Sure, it's poisoning is almost as disgusting as Toxapex's, but that's what Steel types are for. Plus, Psychic, Water, and Steel Pokemon are rather common to come across. While other people may have a different opinion, I think it's probably the second-worst Ultra Beast.


Now, let's move on to Guzzlord, the last Ultra Beast you can catch.

Info: UB-05 Glutton, AKA Guzzlord, the Junkivore Pokemon. According to reports, this Pokémon has gobbled up mountains and swallowed buildings whole and will eat absolutely anything else it can reach, including the very land and sea. Although it constantly eats, its droppings have never been found. It is speculated that the entirety of the matter it consumes is converted into energy, with no waste products left over.

(Semi-Spoiler Alert. This Technically Isn't A Spoiler, But It Has To Do With The Backstory Of The Game. If You Don't Want To Read This, This Is Your Only Warning)

The International Police of Alola was hunting down Ultra Beasts that came through Ultra Wormholes. A Guzzlord popped out of one, wreaking havoc on it's immediate surroundings. The UB Task Force is tasked with studying them, keeping people safe from them, and capturing or eliminating them. Before I go any further, I must address something thats important to the story.

In the game, there are people classified by the UB Task Force as Fallers. Fallers are people that have gone through and back out Ultra Wormholes. The energy from the holes stays on them, and wild Ultra Beasts can sense said energy, mistaking it to be another Ultra Wormhole so that they can get back home. Upon discovering the Faller, they for whatever reason attack them viciously. The only known Fallers are your character, after defeating Mother Beast Lusamine, Lillie, YA BOI GUZMA, Anabel (Who helps you in the Ultra Beast Missions), and an Unnamed Faller. The UB Task Force use Fallers as bait to lure out wild Ultra Beasts at the cost of the Fallers' safety at times. Now, this is where things get dark: When word of the Guzzlord got out, a 3-Man team consisting of Looker (He also helps you with the Ultra Beast Missions alongside Anabel), Nanu (An Island Kakhuna), and an Unnamed Faller. The Faller was used as bait, while Nanu and Looker did battle with the Guzzlord. They were able to eliminate the Guzzlord after a hard-fought battle, but at the unfortunate cost of the Fallers' life, as they were killed by the Guzzlord while battling it.

(Spoiler Ends Here)

Now, in my opinion, Guzzlord puts the Beast in Ultra Beast. Just look at it! It even has two heads! The concept that it eats literally everything in sight with no sign of stopping is kinda overdoing it. I can only wonder what Ultra Space has to deal with when these things rear in their ugly heads.

Now lets move on to the thing everyone cares about most: it's battle properties. Firstly, it's the same typing of Hydreigon, being Dark/Dragon. This means its resistant to Ghost, Fire, Water, Grass Electric, and Dark types, and is immune to Psychic types. Unfortunately, its weak to Fighting, Ice, Bug, Fair, and other Dragon types. Like all of the Ultra Beasts, this thing has a Base Stat Total of 570. Let's See what those stats are...... HOLY S*** LOOK AT THAT HP STAT! Base Hp of 223!!! What the ****!? That's a lot of stamina! It's Base Attack is rather high with 101, and it's Base Special Attack is rather high with 97. This all means jack s***, though, when you look at its other stats. It can dish it out, but can't really take it. A Small Base Defense and Special Defense of 53, and a stupidly low Base Speed of 43. Sure, it's health is supposed to make up for its lack of defense, but that's not helping too much if it's slower than any Grandma with just their cane, plus defense is more important than health. Look at Kartana, for crying out loud! Even it can last much longer than Guzzlord. I guess it's more of a meatshield than anything else.

At the same time, it has some rather powerful moves. It can use level-up moves such as Belch, Stockpile, Dragon Rage, Bite, Stomp, Brutal Swing, Steamroller, Dragon Tail, Iron Tail, Stomping Tantrum, Crunch, Hammer Arm, Thrash, Gastro Acid, Heavy Slam (YIKES), Wring Out, and Dragon Rush. It also can use TM Moves like Hyper Beam, Smack Dow, Earthquake, Flamethrower, Brick Break, Double Team (HOW!?), Sludge Wave, Fire Blast, Rock Tomb, Giga Impact, Poison Jab and Sleep Talk. It also has access to STAB TM moves such as Dragon Claw, Thief (How?), Fling, also Brutal Swing, Payback, also Dragon Tail, Snarl, and Dark Impulse. These are some rather STRONG moves, so while it may be a meatshield, I'm pretty sure it can make other Pokemon into mincemeat after it's done with them, and then eat the Leftovers.

I AM FINALLY DONE WITH THIS PROJECT!!! FINALLY!!! I didn't think I could do it, but I did! A Project I actually finished in it's entirety!!! YES!!!

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Enter: The Ultra Beasts! Part 4

I've finally finished it. I have created UB-04 Blaster, also known as Celesteela. You have to capture 2 of these things in the post-game Ultra Beast missions. This one wasn't very hard to create. Only done in a few hours. It took me a while because I was taking a break for a while from 3D modeling. I couldn't find textures for it's "dress patterns", so this was all I could do. Anyways, it's finished, so lets see what this Ultra Beast has to offer.

Info: UB-04 Blaster, properly known as Celesteela, the Launch Pokemon. According to the Aether Foundation, its most distinctive feature is the energy that it stores within itself: a flammable gas that it can shoot from its two huge arms. Witnesses have seen it burn down a forest by expelling gas from its two arms. This is mostly used to propel itself in flight and for battle, but it is thought to have sufficient power and lift to even fly into space. Witnesses observed it flying across the sky at high speed. Despite being a Steel type, Celesteela's body is plantlike and can absorb nutrients from the soil.

When revealed, Celesteela, in my opinion, had the strangest design of all the Ultra Beasts. The fact that it had two large disembodied arms was weird enough. It also looked very powerful. It also looks like some kind of princess when you ignore the arms. In fact, fans theorize that the design of this Ultra Beast is based off of the tale of Princess Kaguya (Not from Naruto, the actual tale. Calm down, folks). The tale is also known as "The Bamboo Cutter". It's bamboo-like arms, in which bamboo has significance in the story, certainly is a callback to the tale. The fact that it can freaking fly, though, is crazy. Despite it looking like an intimidating behemoth, paired with FLAMETHROWER ARMS, I've seen enough fan art that will lake you think it's actually cute when drawn a certain way, like this:

... Anyways, moving on.

Despite it's cuteness when drawn right, this thing is rather powerful. Firstly, while it does have plant-like features, it has the typing of Steel/Flying, which means like its Sun counterpart, Kartana, it's immune to poison types, which eliminates Toxapex, and comes with the added bonus of being immune to Ground types, as well as being resistant to almost half of the type chart. Unfortunately, It comes with the weaknesses of being weak to Fire and Electric types. It's stats, though, aren't too amazing, but they're very good. Unlike it's other Ultra Beast brethren, which have some stats focused in ridiculous areas (Ex: Xurkitree's ATOMIC Base Special Attack of 173/ Kartana's absolutely MONSTROUS Base Physical Attack of 181!), Celesteela is the most balanced of the Ultra Beasts. Like all the other ones, it's Base Stat Total equals 570, but lets actually list of the stats. It has a Base Hp of 91, a Base Attack of 101, a Base Defense of 103, a Base Special Attack of 107, a Base Special Defense of 101, and a surprisingly small Base Speed of 61, despite it being able to fly at HIGH SPEED. Celesteela's stats allow it to take punishment and deal twice as much punishment back. Sure, it's Speed sucks, but does that really help when it can withstand most attacks? It's almost like a Wobbuffet, but it took steroids, replaced it's arms with ROCKETS, got a princess makeover and can actually fight back, unlike that piece of crap. It's basically a Tank. If it's speed stat were higher, we'd be in some serious trouble.

Celesteela, being the most balanced, means that it can use both Physical Attacks and Special Attacks, while being able to take them as well. It can level up to learn pretty solid moves such as Wide Guard, Air Slash, Ingrain, Absorb, Harden, Smack Down (how ironic), Mega AND Giga Drain, Leech Seed, Metal Sound, Iron head, Flash Cannon, Automize, Seed Bomb, Skull Bash, Heavy Slam, Iron Defense, and Double Edge, all with sustain, initiative, and attacking prowess. It also has access to TMs such as Toxic (again, how?), Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Fire Blast and Flamethrower, Energy ball, Substitute, Grass Knot and Round, and has access to STAB TMs like Acrobatics, Smart Strike, Gyro Ball, also Flash Cannon, and Fly. All of this is for initiative, sustain, and power, making sure that Justice Rains from Above (I regret nothing) against your enemies. The only real problem is the fact that it's SOOOOO slow. It's superior potential, however, makes up for that.

Okay, I have only 2 Ultra Beasts left: Guzzlord the Unmerciful, and The Twisted Nihilego. Once finished, this project will be completed.