Friday, April 29, 2016

Strider Series Part 3

Guard: You there! Stop!!!
Guard: Get back here!
Guard: Don't let them get away!!

Prisoner: I JUST got this cache of Nanons! I'm not giving this up! Not now, not ever!!!

Prisoner: OUT OF THE WAY, PUNK!!!



 Guard: Thanks, sir. You've really been a good help with this prison mess.
Knight: Nothing to it. Is there a status report on the current situation?

 Guard: Well, as far as I can tell from radio chatter, things are a bit messy, but cleanup is going with less and less problems. Soon, we'll have this situation under control, and we can get back to finding the traitors.
Knight: The traitors...

 New Guard: Sir's! We have a huge emergency!
Guard: What is it now?

New Guard: We just got word that there have been two new prison breaks at Prisons Upsilon-A1 and Tau-H4!
Guard: Are you kidding me! We're almost done with the first one! Now theres two more!?

 Guard: I'll set up a blitzkrieg over at headquarters. We need to get this done as fast as possible. New guy, you escort these prisoners back to their cells.
New Guard: Yes sir!

New Guard: Alright guys, let's escort these guys back to where they belong. Long live the Queen!

Knight: Long live the Queen...

Green (Over Radio): Hey. Any news?
Blue: Yeah. Good news.

Blue: Although the guards are almost done with the first prison, it seems other prisoners are setting other prisons free.
Green (Over Radio): Excellent. Anything else?
Blue: My brother is helping with the cleanup. If anything, I'd say now's the time. Is your arm healed up yet?
Green (Over Radio): Mostly.
Blue: Then we move on.

Prisoner: Keep quiet! He's gonna hear us!

Prisoner: Crap! He heard us! Run for it!

Commander (Over Raido):We're gonna want to keep an eye on him. He's been acting suspicious lately.

Commander (Over Radio): Oh look. It's the traitor. Wonder what he's doing here...

Commander (Over Radio): Now now, save your strength. He'll get his soon. He'll pay for what he did.

Commander (Over Radio): Right now, we need for you to head back to finish off the last of your tests. After that, you'll be ready.

Commander (Over Radio): Once you finish the finial tests, I promise you, he'll be all yours.


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