Friday, February 17, 2017

Enter: The Ultra Beasts! Part 5 (FINAL)

It's all done! It's finally all done! These are the last of the Ultra Beasts: UB-01 Symbiont (AKA Nihilego) and UB-05 Glutton (AKA Guzzlord). With Nihilego, I had an idea as for how I would do it. I did get kinda lazy towards the end. Guzzlord, while not hard to do, was apain, since MAYA 2014 was glitching out a few times. I did the best I could. Nihilego is the first Ultra Beast you can fight (within the story), catch (after the story), and is the ONLY Ultra Beast with ANY relevance to the main plot of the story. Guzzlord is the last Ultra Beast you can catch in the post-game. It too has some story to it as well.

Info: UB-01 Symbiont, AKA Nihilego, the Parasite Pokemon. Nihilego is a parasitic organism, capable of injecting a neurotoxin that subtly alters the thoughts and actions of any human or Pokémon that becomes its host. This neurotoxin stimulates intense feelings of excitement while causing a loss of inhibitions, which acts to forcibly bring out any latent potential within the host while wearing away at their minds. People on the street report observing those infested by it suddenly becoming violent. It's unclear whether or not this Pokémon is sentient. Levels of intelligence are unknown, but according to the Aether Foundation's research it seems to act mainly on a self-preservation instinct. It has been observed behaving like a young girl, though the exact reasons for why it does so are unknown.


Nihilego looks like a weird alien Jellyfish. It also happens to be the most horrifying Pokemon in terms of concepts and what it does. It literally forces out the potential of any human or Pokemon it latches onto in order to survive. Plus, when it was initially revealed, people immediately thought that it was Lillie's true form. The same could be said for Pheromosa and Buzzwole, in which people thought they were Lusamine and Gladion respectively. That turned out not to be the case at all though. Their appearances we're eerily similar to them, though. Liilie's hat and Nihilego's "head" we're very similar, and Pheromosa's look and pose was WAY to similar to Lusamine's.

It also is somewhat the main antagonist of the game besides Lusamine, CEO of the Aether Foundation. Here's the lore: Lusamine's Husband, Mohn, was researching the dimension that the Ultra Beasts reside in which is simply known as Ultra Space. He vanished when he went inside one of the holes to their dimension called the Ultra Wormhole. Lusamine went into depression, then started to become fixated on the Ultra Beasts to the point of monomania (a VERY unhealthy obsession with one thing). She even abandons her children, Lillie and Gladion. During the story, a Nihilego randomly appears at the Aether Island, home base of the Aether Foundation. After you defeat it, it disappears, going back to where it came from. Later on, it appears again while you, Lillie, and Gladion attempt a rescure mission to save Nebby/Cosmog as Lusamine forces Nebby (Insert get in the bag Nebby meme here) to creating Ultra Wormholes all throughout the Alola region, bringing in 6 more Ultra Beasts to wreak havoc throughout the land, one of them ending up fighting the Pokemon Guardian Deity of Melemele Island, Tapu Koko. This nearly kills Nebby, though, and Lusamine escapes with YA BOI GUZMA and the Nihilego into Ultra Space. It then shows up again once you and Lillie awaken Nebby into Solgaleo/Lunala (Depending on which version you have). You and Lillie venture into Ultra Space, except the Nihilego are EVERYWHERE! (You don't fight them, thank Arceus). Lusamine, being exposed to the Neurotoxins of the Nihilego (While still looking beautiful as ever), has acquired control of the Nihilego, and is too far gone to talk into reasoning, not even by her own Daughter. She merges with a Nihilego she caught in a Beast Ball (Pokeball for catching Ultra Beasts), and turns from this:

into this:
After you do battle with her, Solgaleo/Lunala comes in and breaks the fusion, reverting her back to normal and restoring her sanity. You take her back to your own world, where Lillie takes her to the Kanto Region to research how to cure her leftover Neurotoxins. It then shows up one final time in the post-game Ultra Beast missions, where you have to catch one.


Now, to get on to the battle properties of Nihilego. First off, lets look at these crazy stats. High Base HP of 109, allowing for good survival. An embarrassing Base Attack of 59 and an even worse Base Defense of 47. Pretty sure Marshadow and other Physical Attacking Pokemon get 1080 strokes an hour listening to this news. But it's an Ultra Beast. Don't celebrate too early if a few of its stats are bad. Look at that crazy Base Special Attack of 127 and that even crazier Base Special Defense of 131! And to top it all off, it has a Base Speed of 103, equaling to a Base Stat Total of 570. Scary! This thing was made for special attacking, and is the ONLY Ultra Beast with the Unique Type Combination of Poison/Rock. This makes it resistant to Normal, Flying, Bug, Poison, Fire, and Fairy Types, but gets completely crushed by Psychic, Water, Steel, and ESPECIALLY Ground Types. It's almost like a better Primarina (-Crap, that spilled out-). Not only can it out-speed many Pokemon, it can also completely WRECK any Pokemon that aren't prepared for it's specialization in Special Combat.

While it's stats are excellent, it's movepool isn't very good. It' has access to level-up moves like Tickle, Acid, Constrict, Clear Smog, Psywave, Headbutt, Venoshock, Toxic Spikes, Safeguard, Power Gem, Mirror Coat, Acid Spray, Venom Drench, Stealth Rock, Wonder Room, and Head Smash , which doesn't cover much. It also has access to TM moves like Psyshock, Toxic, Thunder, Thunder Blot, Thunder Wave and Charge Beam (somehow), Double Team, Rest Round, Grass Knot, Sleep Talk, Substitute, Trick Room and Dazzling gleam, along with STAB TM moves like Sludge Wave, Sludge Bomb, also Venoshock, and Poison Jab. While it is most certainly strong, it's movepool doesn't cover very much, and you can't really fill in a lot of rolls. Sure, it's poisoning is almost as disgusting as Toxapex's, but that's what Steel types are for. Plus, Psychic, Water, and Steel Pokemon are rather common to come across. While other people may have a different opinion, I think it's probably the second-worst Ultra Beast.


Now, let's move on to Guzzlord, the last Ultra Beast you can catch.

Info: UB-05 Glutton, AKA Guzzlord, the Junkivore Pokemon. According to reports, this Pokémon has gobbled up mountains and swallowed buildings whole and will eat absolutely anything else it can reach, including the very land and sea. Although it constantly eats, its droppings have never been found. It is speculated that the entirety of the matter it consumes is converted into energy, with no waste products left over.

(Semi-Spoiler Alert. This Technically Isn't A Spoiler, But It Has To Do With The Backstory Of The Game. If You Don't Want To Read This, This Is Your Only Warning)

The International Police of Alola was hunting down Ultra Beasts that came through Ultra Wormholes. A Guzzlord popped out of one, wreaking havoc on it's immediate surroundings. The UB Task Force is tasked with studying them, keeping people safe from them, and capturing or eliminating them. Before I go any further, I must address something thats important to the story.

In the game, there are people classified by the UB Task Force as Fallers. Fallers are people that have gone through and back out Ultra Wormholes. The energy from the holes stays on them, and wild Ultra Beasts can sense said energy, mistaking it to be another Ultra Wormhole so that they can get back home. Upon discovering the Faller, they for whatever reason attack them viciously. The only known Fallers are your character, after defeating Mother Beast Lusamine, Lillie, YA BOI GUZMA, Anabel (Who helps you in the Ultra Beast Missions), and an Unnamed Faller. The UB Task Force use Fallers as bait to lure out wild Ultra Beasts at the cost of the Fallers' safety at times. Now, this is where things get dark: When word of the Guzzlord got out, a 3-Man team consisting of Looker (He also helps you with the Ultra Beast Missions alongside Anabel), Nanu (An Island Kakhuna), and an Unnamed Faller. The Faller was used as bait, while Nanu and Looker did battle with the Guzzlord. They were able to eliminate the Guzzlord after a hard-fought battle, but at the unfortunate cost of the Fallers' life, as they were killed by the Guzzlord while battling it.

(Spoiler Ends Here)

Now, in my opinion, Guzzlord puts the Beast in Ultra Beast. Just look at it! It even has two heads! The concept that it eats literally everything in sight with no sign of stopping is kinda overdoing it. I can only wonder what Ultra Space has to deal with when these things rear in their ugly heads.

Now lets move on to the thing everyone cares about most: it's battle properties. Firstly, it's the same typing of Hydreigon, being Dark/Dragon. This means its resistant to Ghost, Fire, Water, Grass Electric, and Dark types, and is immune to Psychic types. Unfortunately, its weak to Fighting, Ice, Bug, Fair, and other Dragon types. Like all of the Ultra Beasts, this thing has a Base Stat Total of 570. Let's See what those stats are...... HOLY S*** LOOK AT THAT HP STAT! Base Hp of 223!!! What the ****!? That's a lot of stamina! It's Base Attack is rather high with 101, and it's Base Special Attack is rather high with 97. This all means jack s***, though, when you look at its other stats. It can dish it out, but can't really take it. A Small Base Defense and Special Defense of 53, and a stupidly low Base Speed of 43. Sure, it's health is supposed to make up for its lack of defense, but that's not helping too much if it's slower than any Grandma with just their cane, plus defense is more important than health. Look at Kartana, for crying out loud! Even it can last much longer than Guzzlord. I guess it's more of a meatshield than anything else.

At the same time, it has some rather powerful moves. It can use level-up moves such as Belch, Stockpile, Dragon Rage, Bite, Stomp, Brutal Swing, Steamroller, Dragon Tail, Iron Tail, Stomping Tantrum, Crunch, Hammer Arm, Thrash, Gastro Acid, Heavy Slam (YIKES), Wring Out, and Dragon Rush. It also can use TM Moves like Hyper Beam, Smack Dow, Earthquake, Flamethrower, Brick Break, Double Team (HOW!?), Sludge Wave, Fire Blast, Rock Tomb, Giga Impact, Poison Jab and Sleep Talk. It also has access to STAB TM moves such as Dragon Claw, Thief (How?), Fling, also Brutal Swing, Payback, also Dragon Tail, Snarl, and Dark Impulse. These are some rather STRONG moves, so while it may be a meatshield, I'm pretty sure it can make other Pokemon into mincemeat after it's done with them, and then eat the Leftovers.

I AM FINALLY DONE WITH THIS PROJECT!!! FINALLY!!! I didn't think I could do it, but I did! A Project I actually finished in it's entirety!!! YES!!!

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