Saturday, February 11, 2017

Enter: The Ultra Beasts! Part 4

I've finally finished it. I have created UB-04 Blaster, also known as Celesteela. You have to capture 2 of these things in the post-game Ultra Beast missions. This one wasn't very hard to create. Only done in a few hours. It took me a while because I was taking a break for a while from 3D modeling. I couldn't find textures for it's "dress patterns", so this was all I could do. Anyways, it's finished, so lets see what this Ultra Beast has to offer.

Info: UB-04 Blaster, properly known as Celesteela, the Launch Pokemon. According to the Aether Foundation, its most distinctive feature is the energy that it stores within itself: a flammable gas that it can shoot from its two huge arms. Witnesses have seen it burn down a forest by expelling gas from its two arms. This is mostly used to propel itself in flight and for battle, but it is thought to have sufficient power and lift to even fly into space. Witnesses observed it flying across the sky at high speed. Despite being a Steel type, Celesteela's body is plantlike and can absorb nutrients from the soil.

When revealed, Celesteela, in my opinion, had the strangest design of all the Ultra Beasts. The fact that it had two large disembodied arms was weird enough. It also looked very powerful. It also looks like some kind of princess when you ignore the arms. In fact, fans theorize that the design of this Ultra Beast is based off of the tale of Princess Kaguya (Not from Naruto, the actual tale. Calm down, folks). The tale is also known as "The Bamboo Cutter". It's bamboo-like arms, in which bamboo has significance in the story, certainly is a callback to the tale. The fact that it can freaking fly, though, is crazy. Despite it looking like an intimidating behemoth, paired with FLAMETHROWER ARMS, I've seen enough fan art that will lake you think it's actually cute when drawn a certain way, like this:

... Anyways, moving on.

Despite it's cuteness when drawn right, this thing is rather powerful. Firstly, while it does have plant-like features, it has the typing of Steel/Flying, which means like its Sun counterpart, Kartana, it's immune to poison types, which eliminates Toxapex, and comes with the added bonus of being immune to Ground types, as well as being resistant to almost half of the type chart. Unfortunately, It comes with the weaknesses of being weak to Fire and Electric types. It's stats, though, aren't too amazing, but they're very good. Unlike it's other Ultra Beast brethren, which have some stats focused in ridiculous areas (Ex: Xurkitree's ATOMIC Base Special Attack of 173/ Kartana's absolutely MONSTROUS Base Physical Attack of 181!), Celesteela is the most balanced of the Ultra Beasts. Like all the other ones, it's Base Stat Total equals 570, but lets actually list of the stats. It has a Base Hp of 91, a Base Attack of 101, a Base Defense of 103, a Base Special Attack of 107, a Base Special Defense of 101, and a surprisingly small Base Speed of 61, despite it being able to fly at HIGH SPEED. Celesteela's stats allow it to take punishment and deal twice as much punishment back. Sure, it's Speed sucks, but does that really help when it can withstand most attacks? It's almost like a Wobbuffet, but it took steroids, replaced it's arms with ROCKETS, got a princess makeover and can actually fight back, unlike that piece of crap. It's basically a Tank. If it's speed stat were higher, we'd be in some serious trouble.

Celesteela, being the most balanced, means that it can use both Physical Attacks and Special Attacks, while being able to take them as well. It can level up to learn pretty solid moves such as Wide Guard, Air Slash, Ingrain, Absorb, Harden, Smack Down (how ironic), Mega AND Giga Drain, Leech Seed, Metal Sound, Iron head, Flash Cannon, Automize, Seed Bomb, Skull Bash, Heavy Slam, Iron Defense, and Double Edge, all with sustain, initiative, and attacking prowess. It also has access to TMs such as Toxic (again, how?), Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Fire Blast and Flamethrower, Energy ball, Substitute, Grass Knot and Round, and has access to STAB TMs like Acrobatics, Smart Strike, Gyro Ball, also Flash Cannon, and Fly. All of this is for initiative, sustain, and power, making sure that Justice Rains from Above (I regret nothing) against your enemies. The only real problem is the fact that it's SOOOOO slow. It's superior potential, however, makes up for that.

Okay, I have only 2 Ultra Beasts left: Guzzlord the Unmerciful, and The Twisted Nihilego. Once finished, this project will be completed.

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