Monday, February 20, 2017

The Ultra Beasts!

After all this time, they're finally done. My first real project done. I present the Ultra Beasts of Pokemon Sun and Moon! These are the Ultra Beasts in order:

UB-01 Symbiont, AKA Nihilego, the Parasite Pokemon (Center)
UB-02 Absorption, AKA Buzzwole, the Swollen Pokemon (Sun Exclusive) (Far Left)
UB-02 Beauty, AKA Pheromosa, the Lissome Pokemon (Moon Exclusive) (Left)
UB-03 Lighting, AKA Xurkitree the Glowing Pokemon (Behind Buzzwole)
UB-04 Blade, AKA Kartana, the Drawn Sword Pokemon (Sun Exclusive) (Above Buzzwole)
UB-04 Blaster, AKA Celesteela, the Launch Pokemon (Moon Exclusive) (Far Right)
UB-05 Glutton, AKA Guzzlord, the Junkivore Pokemon (Behind Pheromosa)

last little thing, many people (myself included) believe that the 7 Ultra Beasts are based off of the 7 Deadly Sins. That does make some sense, when you think about their individual characteristics.For example:

Nihilego: It's difficult to place which Sin Nihilego belongs to. Nihilego could belong to Sloth, seeing as it merges with unfortunate passerby in order to survive, making it's host do all the work for them.
Buzzwole: Buzzwole clearly represents Pride, as it is one of the strongest Ultra beasts and even flexes constantly, showing off bodybuilding poses at every opportunity. It's a way of showing off it's strength.
Pheromosa: Now Pheromosa clearly represents Lust, as it makes every Pokemon around it, regardless of gender, infatuated with it, drawing them to it. almost like men and women longing for "happy time".
Xurkitree: It's difficult to place which Sin Xurkitree belongs to, but Xurkitree could belong to Greed. seeing as how it's always trying to get electricity whenever it can, even raiding a power plant, it seems that its search for power comes to no end.
Kartana: Kartana easily represents Wrath, showing as every edge on it's body is stupidly sharp, and is even able to cut down skyscrapers in one stroke, showing it's raw power, and the Wrath of what it can do.
Celesteela: Celesteela could represent Envy, but the only from the origin of it's design: The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter. When the cutter found Kaguya-hime (NOT FROM NARUTO), he took her back to his home, and received many riches soon after , making others jealous.
Guzzlord: the picture could not be painted any clearer. From it's code name, actual name, and even description, Guzzlord is the epitome of Gluttony, literally eating EVERYTHING IN SIGHT.

I'm finally finished, but maybe not just yet. I am aware that there are Shiny Versions of these guys. Who knows, I might do them this week as a quick mini project, seeing as I need to just re-arrange some colors.

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