Friday, February 24, 2017

The Most Busted Pokemon Yet

Okay, I mentioned it in my last post. It's time we really tackled this topic: Marshadow, the Gloomdweller Pokemon. For those of you who don't know, Marshadow is the 302nd Pokemon in the Alola Dex,  but is currently unobtainable simply because it is officially unrevealed, and thus is unreleased. It was revealed via datamining, and can only be used via hacking (which I do NOT recommend).

As far as official info goes, Marshadow itself is extremely rarely seen, making it the stuff of legend and myth. It is also craven and cowering (in which I call bull$#!+). It also looks cute, but don't be fooled. This tiny little fella can possibly rival even MEGA RAYQUAZA (Although it's not very likely).

Now, the thing that makes Marshadow so remarkable: it's battle properties. Firstly, lets take a look at that motherflipping typing: Ghost. Fighting. If you can do the math in your head, which is a LOT of math, then you come to the absolutely horrifying conclusion that no existing Pokemon can resist it's combination of STAB moves, which is freaking NUTS. That, AND it's a Unique Type Combination. It's also resistant to Poison, Rock, and Bug types, and comes with wonderful immunity to Normal and Fighting Types, but gets cubstomped by Flying, Ghost, Psychic, and Fairy Types. It gets even crazier with it's base stats. Like the Ultra Beasts that I covered, it has a Base Stat Total of 570 (Which makes me realize it still pales in comparison to Mega Rayquaza). Lets see what those stats are:
Base HP: 90
Base Attack: 125
Base Special Attack: 90
Base Defense: 80
Base Special Defense: 90
Base Speed: 125
Firstly, that Base HP is pretty solid. Secondly, that Base Attack is really high. At least not as high as freaking Kartana (still can't get over that 181 stat...), but it's high enough. Next, it's Base Special Attack isn't as high, but it's still a pretty solid stat. It's Base Defense isn't so good, but it's base Special Defense is slightly better. That Base Speed, though, is CRAZY! It's almost as fast as freaking MEWTWO! Oh, but we've barely scratched the surface. It's it's movepool and abilites that makes this thing horrifying.

(Marshadow when attacking)

Before we get to the elephants in the room, let's look at it's regular level-up moves. We should know, though, that it's more of a physical attacker than a special attacker, so the majority of it's moves are physical. Now, onto the moves. It can learn good moves like Laser Focus, Assurance, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Drain Punch, Pursuit, Force Palm, Feint, Rolling Kick, Shadow Sneak, Copycat, Role Play, Jump Kick, Shadow Punch, Psych Up, Close Combat, Sucker Punch, and Endeavor. While it can learn MANY TM's, I'll just list the STAB ones, which are Shadow Ball, Brick Break, Low Sweep, Focus Blast, and Shadow Claw. (For those who might be wondering why I'm listing only TM's, it's because it's only available in Sun and Moon, in which HM's are dead, thank Arceus.)

(Some Cute Art)

Now, here's where things get scary: it's own abilities. Firstly, lets take a look at it's Signature Move. Yes, this thing has a Signature Move. It's a Ghost Type Physical move called Spectral Thief. It deals 90 Damage, has 10 PP, and has 100% accuracy. Is that it? NO. This move's properties are absolutely BROKEN. So let me say it like this: your friend literally just got $50. You're jealous. You punch him and rob him of his money, then proceed to somehow beat him with it until he falls unconscious. What this means in Pokemon terms is that, basically, let's say Marshadow was facing against Eevee. Eevee uses the Z-Move Extreme Evoboost, in which it calls upon the power of its many evolutions to raise ALL of it's stats by 2 stages (thus turning the useless Eevee into an actual threat). You might know where I'm heading to by now. If Marshadow uses Spectral Thief, not only does it outright ROB Eevee of it's Stat Boosts, it takes them for itself! Got a Swords Dance Mimikyu set up for Sweeping? Got a Whimsicott Wall set up with Cotton Guard? Got a Dragon Dance Rayquaza ready for battle? Got a Xerneas that used Geomancy? All of your work is both taken AND used against you with just one use of Spectral Thief. That's literally BUSTED. It' doesn't stop there. It also has the ability Technician, which boosts the power of any damaging move with a power of 60 or less by 50%. Jeez, we can't catch a break. And to put the cherry on top of this ghostly milkshake, it's even has it's own Z-Move called Soul-Stealing 7-Star Strike (try saying that 5 times fast).

(Marshadow: Prepare to get bodied)

By holding Marshadium Z, Marshadow can unleash it's it's Z-Move, using it's Signature Move, Spectral Thief, as the catalyst. It's double the power of Spectral Thief, dealing 180 damage! Then again, it's a Z-Move. What do you expect? While right now, I can't find a gif that has the full thing, I will describe the attack. Marshadow get's surrounded with Z-Power, and stares into the soul of it's target. It punches 7 stars into it, with the star's lining up to form the Z-Power Symbol. It then jumps into the air and dives into it's foe, disappearing into it. It then comes out from behind the foe, sliding across the ground in an epic pose, with it's obliterated foe exploding in ghostly energy (also, cue "Cool Guys Don't Look at Explosions"). It such an anime way of finishing off an opponent, but it looks satisfying to do.

(Even Marshadow is amazed at itself)

By now, you should be convinced that Marshadow puts the O and P in OH CRAP. Sure, it's a Mythical, and Mythical Pokemon are always WAY stronger than regular Pokemon (with the exception of pseudo-legendaries). But Marshadow is a whole new type of OP. It's offensive, IT CAN STEAL STAT BOOSTS, it has it's own Z-MOVE, it's ability boosts the power of what would be considered weak moves BY 50%, and it looks cute while it horribly murders your team. I'm pretty sure it can sweep on its own with the properties it has. It's only downsides is it's type weaknesses, it's a Physical Attacker, and is a wee-bit lacking in Special combat. The other thing that's lacking is it's Shiny Sprites. While not fighting, it's nearly impossible to distinguish Marshadow's Shiny Sprite from it's normal sprite. Usually, Marshadow has a very very pale greenish grey flame on it's helmet-like head. When attacking, it's helmet-like head turns bright green. It's Shiny Sprite literally is the exact same as it's regular Sprite, but the flame is now a very very pale bluish grey. It becomes much more evident when attacking, as it's helmet-like headpiece turns a slightly dark purple.

(The one on the right is it's Shiny Coloration)

Anyways, now to move onto some real-life attributes to it. Marshadow apparently shares traits with Nightmarchers, the ghosts of ancient Hawaiian warriors that escorts the spirits of dead relatives to the Spirit World. They would always be signaled of their approach by drums being heard. You had to go indoors and not look upon them, or you would die where you stand. They would also march over what were once battlefields. If you respected them, great things would happen. Marshadow may also be based on Menehune, which are dwarf-sized people that lived far away from humans. Marshadow may also be a play on Shadowboxing, given the fact that it's a Ghost Type that uses mostly Physical Attacks.

(This exists, apparently)

Anyways, thats all we really have on Marshadow. As stated already, there is currently absolutely no way to legitimately obtain Marshadow. When The Pokemon Company does release it, though, it's gonna be an absolute BEAST. People will probably exploit its weaknesses soon, but it's still gonna be tough to handle, especially with that broken Signature Move and extremely powerful Signature Z-Move.

Okay, I'm officially done talking about Marshadow. Now you know what to expect from it if it pops up online. If you've read this far, then I thank you for reading this post.

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