Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Shiny Ultra Beasts

Behold, for I have made Shiny Versions of the Ultra Beasts!  This was SUPER easy to make. All I had to do was either rearrange existing materials or create new materials on the Ultra Beasts. And... that's it really. Compared to making the actual models itself, this was just a mini project. Took me less than an hour to do.

But how do I know the Shiny Versions? There's a thing called hacking. No, I did not hack my game. Rather, other people hacked their own games. If you didn't know, they searched into the game's code and found Shiny Sprites for the Ultra Beasts. The actual Shiny Ultra Beasts are "Shiny Locked", meaning they're impossible to acquire as Shiny Pokemon in-game. The literal only way to get them is via hacking or wait for some event to be officially be released from The Pokemon Company, in which no such event has happened. As for all Shiny-Locked Pokemon, the only ones that are Shiny-Locked are:
Tapu Koko
Tapu Lele
Tapu Bulu
Tapu Fini

Other mentions include Magearna and Marshadow, but the former is event-only, and the latter has yet to be released (I'll probably make a post regarding how absolutely BUSTED Marshadow is). Thankfully, despite being a "Special Pokemon", Type: Null and it's evolution, Silvally (I prefer it's Japanese name, Silvadi), are indeed able to be acquired as Shiny, but you'll probably have to soft-reset the game multiple times, since you can only get one by talking to Gladion on Aether Island after becoming Champion of Alola. Since Silvadi is basically a toned-down Arceus, it's Shiny Color is in a similar fashion to the Llama God himself, with everything white on it turning gold. 

Well, my Ultra Beast Project is officially done now. What ever I do next is up in the air for now.

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