Monday, April 3, 2017

What are the Striders Part 2: Anatomy, Economy, etc.

Now we're getting into the nitty gritty of things: what are the Striders themselves? This will be answered in this post.

The Striders are essentially self-aware robots that can think, feel, and act like humans. While having processors like computers, they still can think metaphysically, act on what they want, etc. Their personalities differ just like humans. They can range from being cocky and narcissistic, loving and caring, cool and badass, emo and gloomy, having a few screws loose, or even be psychopaths and sociopaths bent on causing harm or death to others. Ever since their existence was made known the the world, they are in many ways considered to be human as well. While clearly ready for combat, they are mostly a pacifist race, only resorting to violence when all other options have been exhausted.

When the King and Queen were built, they were pure machines made of metal, wires, computer chips, and the like. As they built more Striders, however, they improved on the original design, making their forms much more flexible. After the discovery of nanofiber, this made them more durable and flexible, to the point that they could give themselves new faces. This fiber also made them slightly organic, allowing them to reproduce like mammals instead of assembling them.

The iconic visors you see on the Striders are actually masks hiding their true faces. They look similar to humans. They even have hair, thanks to nanofiber. Like humans, their faces differ from each other.

The colors of each Strider differ most of the time to give them more unique looks, although people higher in power have the most distinct colors.

A Striders' internal makings consists of machinery, wires, nanofiber, and a power core of infinite energy located where our hearts would be. Because of this infinite energy, a Strider can potentially live indefinitely. That isn't the total case, however, as Striders do rust and fall apart as they age. They just have far longer lifespans than humans, ranging from an average life expectancy between 150 years to over 400 years. Striking the power core will have them run on backup power, in which they are essentially getting way closer to death. Their head contains their main processor unit that has evolved to think like humans and be self-aware.

Once a Strider dies, that's it. They cannot be rebuilt, they cannot be reprogrammed back. Everything that Strider was and was going to be is gone forever.

The Strider economy is not unlike that of humans. They have jobs, they govern, and use a currency called Nanons for trade. Since Viate City is slowly expanding, more jobs for Striders can exist. The government system is far better than humans, but is not without any kind of corruption. The Royal Guard is essentially a peace keeping unit for the city, acting as the city's all-in-one protection unit. From being the police to acting as firefighters, they can do it all, and make sure that the safety of all Striders is ensured through their actions. Unfortunately, most do mindlessly do anything to the King or Queen's heart, leading to some corruption of them via higher ranks.

The technology they wield is far better than that of humans. From tangible holograms and flying cars, to highways made of light and their greatest creation: Quantum Manipulator Devices, or QMD's for short. Quantum Manipulator Devices use subatomic particles called Quantum Particles. These particles, with the right technology, can mimic any kind of element that's non organic. With even more technology, they can be used to create entire objects, from something as small as a knife to something as crazy as a skyscraper. With these devices, however, the exact dimensions of the object must be calculated before it can be formed, something that the Striders can do with no problem at all.

Quantum Particles were found after an expedition to another dimension, during a scientific experiment. The researchers found these particles in abundance in that dimension, and they were abundant in their own dimension too. Quantum Particles have the uncanny ability to multiply themselves at an exceedingly fast rate, allowing for no shortage of Quantum Particles.

Most Striders come programmed with some form of combat knowledge in the event they are faced with danger as a self-defense mechanism. These Striders, despite maybe having a position in the Royal Guard, will often look for other jobs.

Well, that's all I have to say about the way of life in the Strider World.

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