Friday, June 3, 2016

The Strider Series Part 4

 Green: Alright, this should be the next chamber. Just a few more stops left.

 Green: What the heck is that?
Blue: Oh no...

 Blue: It can't be... no, that's impossible. This shouldn't be here!
Green: You know what this is?

 Blue: Its the Berserker Unit. An old unit that should've been destroyed.

Green: Pray tell, what the heck is this "Beserker Unit?"
Blue: When the King was alive, he had the idea of there being a hero for our people. A hero who could inspire the people to do good and better achieve peace. Thats when he asked me to start Project Zeus: a project that was deemed a failure in the end.

Blue: I was in charge of the project, along with the Commander. We did everything we could to make the Kings' dream come true. But... Something was wrong.
Green: Well, what happened?

 Blue: We programmed his personality to be that of a person who believes in what is right. Somehow, that personality got corrupted, and instead became a bringer of atrocity. No matter how many times we shut him down and reprogrammed him, that coding was still there.

Blue: We eventually took drastic measures, by destroying him and reassembling him. Yet, that destructive personality was still there. We shot him down, blowed him up, and even crushed him trying to get that corruption out of his head, but instead it grew more hatred each time he was reactivated.

 Blue: He even escaped containment several times, and I had to stop him myself most of the time. He came very close to causing destruction to the public, but we always managed to stop him before it got to that point. Thats when we renamed it the Beserker Unit.

Blue: Both me and the King wanted this dream to come true, but after seeing its ongoing error, we both deemed it a failure. I deactivated it one more time, and ordered it to be destroyed for good. That was the last time I saw him... until now.

 Blue: Sill, he shouldn't even be here now. How long have they been working on him? More importantly, who kept him alive?
Green: Isn't it obvious? He may not have been your vision, but he could still serve as some kind of weapon. Theres only one person who can see any potential weapon.

 ???: You know, you're quite the detective. Maybe you should've enrolled in that department so we wouldn't exactly have to deal with you too.

Green: And not see the wrong you've been doing? Please. Also, not man enough to talk to us in person?
Commander: No, I'm just not being stupid, like how you two are right now.
Blue: What do you mean?

 Commander: Do you even know exactly what this place is?
Blue: Testing grounds for the Beserker unit?
Commander: You're only half-right.

Commander: This is our training room, complete with our latest technology before the King fell: Holo-Reality technology. It allows us to make special kinds of holograms.

 Commander: The Holo tech is similar to the particles called "Quantum Particles" that we found in that other dimension, except its man-made rather than naturally occurring. I =t allows us to build solid holograms at the flick of a switch.

 Commander: Observe.
Green: Big deal. Did you stop us here for a science presentation or what? We need to move on.

 Commander: You don't understand the scope of your situation. Both of you can't leave.
Blue: What?

 Commander: The Holo-Reality Technology allows me to manipulate even the exits of this room. Therefore, I'm not letting you both leave.
Blue: If you plan on bringing guards all day here, bring them. They won't stop us.

Commander: Maybe not, but I know of something that will stop you.

Commander: Computer, activate Room Design Omega-1.
Green: Huh!?

Green: Okay, I have to admit, that was impressive.

Commander: I'll be impressed if you can survive whats coming next. Computer, free the Beserker unit.

Green: Oh crap!
Blue: Get Ready!

 Commander: Like I promised, he's all yours. My only order: go nuts.

 Commander: And you two, next time I see you both, make sure you're dead.

 Commander: Goodbye.


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