Thursday, May 18, 2017

E-102 Gamma and E-101 Beta MK 2

Something I've wanted to do for a while, I have made my own model of the short-lived, yet incredibly developed E-Series robot: E-102, codenamed "Gamma". Gamma first and only appeared in Sonic Adventure and its remake: Sonic Adventure DX as a playable character. I have also made his brother, E-101 Beta MK2, the Final Boss in Gamma's story.

Gamma himself is a powerful E-100 Series robot. As one of Eggman's destructive gunner robots, E-102 is built for battle. His main weapon is a machine gun that can internally transform into a 15.5 cm missile launcher that can fire Homing Missiles in rapid succession after locking on with a laser targeting device on his head. Due to the targeting device, E-102's shots are always accurate and allows the pinpoint accuracy to find an enemy's weak spot. In addition to his missile launcher, E-102 has a variety of modes to change his body frame to suit a situation. He features a normal, upright position when he is walking or moderately running; in a hurry, he crouches down so he can roll on a set of wheels behind his feet to increase his speed, and when he encounters water or another insufficient place to walk, his feet fold in and a rotor appears from his torso, allowing him to float over the obstacle indefinitely and to fly in the air like in the cutscene where he left the Egg Carrier after Tails and Amy left it. He also has a headlight attached to his torso, but it is never actually used in-game. Eggman also installed Gamma with the ability to accept Level Up Items into his system. The Laser Blaster upgraded Gamma's weapon and allowed him to lock-on to an increased number of enemies and deal extensive damage. The Jet Booster permitted Gamma the ability to hover for some time and cross longer distances in the air.

Following its upgrade, E-101 Beta Mark II became a powerhouse of a fighting machine in almost every way over its previous form and was the strongest E-Series robot of its time. E-101 Beta Mark II possessed jets and a tail-like rudder that granted it flight and super speed, enough to leave afterimages in its wake. It was also much more swift an agile than its previous form, being able to dodge missiles at extreme speed. Some of its new weapons included the ability to launch several guided missiles and it had an advanced tracking system in its single green eye. Additionally, it was equipped with energy cannons that could fire yellow beams powerful enough to cause massive explosions upon impact and be charged for even greater power. Besides weapon capabilities, E-101 Mark II could create rainbow-colored force-fields that could deflect projectiles and even be used offensively by ramming it into opponents. It was also capable of teleportation for avoiding attacks. Additionally, it had large and durable spiky shield-like gauntlets which could knock away missiles by backhanding them (THAT'S SO FREAKING COOL!!!) and be used for high-speed charging attacks.

As for his boss battle, here's how it goes: Beta MK2 will float from left to right, launching missiles during that time, which can be targeted to destroy them. Attacking him is useless while he's doing this. He'll either dodge your missile strikes or outright backhand them away. When he dodges backward, thats when you should prepare yourself: he'll charge forward in an energy dome, which is very fast, but is avoidable. if you dodge him, while his back is turned, quickly shoot him to damage him. After taking another hit, he'll starts going haywire. He will then move overhead the platform you two are facing, and will start firing energy blasts at you from above, which have large explosions once they hit the ground. After taking a 3rd hit, his blasts become more powerful, and his last one will have an even bigger explosion radius. Hit him for the 4th time, and he will be defeated. You simply have to keep moving and pay attention if you want this battle to go smoothly.

This story is kinda long, so be prepared for a lot of reading. Gamma is the second in line (3rd, if you could ZERO, aka E-100 Alpha) of the E-Series robots made by Dr. Eggman to serve aboard his flying fortress, the Egg Carrier. Shortly after being made, Gamma was pitted against his more advanced older brother, E-101 Beta. Despite Beta having superior upgrades, Gamma managed to best him. Eggman still had use for Beta, however, and sent him aboard the Egg Carrier to be upgraded. On the carrier, Gamma and his other brothers E-103 Delta, E104 Epsilon, and E-105 Zeta gathered in front of Eggman. They were sent to find a certain frog with a tail (which happened to have a Chaos Emerald inside of it that Eggman was looking for) before their fortress could finally be launched to see who is the most useful. While on Emerald Coast, Gamma saw the frog, Froggy, Eggman was talking about before swiping it from Big The Cat (AKA, the worst character made in Sonic.) All the robots returned with their own frogs for Eggman to inspect. Eggman was furious at all of them until he saw Gamma's frog, commending him for completing the mission. As for the rest, he teleported them to his different bases to serve as mere guard robots. Zeta looked at Gamma horrified before being teleported, a sight that would haunt Gamma for a while. After the Egg Carrier went skyward, Amy Rose was taken captive aboard the Carrier with a Blue Flicky by ZERO, and Gamma was sent to their prison cell to take the Flicky, which had another Chaos Emerald strapped on its pendant. On his way, he accidentally came upon his older brother Beta, who was undergoing torturous upgrades. Gamma continued to search for the cells, albeit a bit disturbed. He finally finds the cells and demands Amy to give him the bird. Amy refuses and explains the bird's situation, and then questions Gamma. Gamma finds illogicality in his programming because of conflicting interests. He then wonders why should you save that of which is useless, to which Amy replied that he didn't need to obey Eggman. When the Blue Flicky flew up to Gamma's face, knowing that it's pink relative rests inside him, and stared at him for a while, Gamma released Amy and the Flicky. Surprised, Amy said that Gamma must be different from the other robots, and would like to be his friend. Gamma was then called by Eggman to kill Sonic and Tails, who boarded the Egg Carrier on the Tornado MK2, and he did battle with the interlopers. Eggman went off to handle Chaos. Before the fight could end, however, Amy interrupted, telling Sonic and Tails not to hurt him, and telling them he released her, and that he was her friend. Sonic and Tails reluctantly stopped battling him, and Amy pleads to Gamma to stop as well, complying to her. The Egg Carrier then started to lose altitude, and Amy told Gamma to free himself while also quickly explaining the value of friendship. As Gamma hovered off the falling Egg Carrier into he Mystic Ruins, he was looking through what's happened in his life, with images of Amy repeatedly popping up in his mind. He then finally deemed Eggman the enemy and deleted his registration. He then started his "rescue" mission by freeing the animals inside of his brethren. Gamma first found and destroyed Delta in Windy Valley, then he located Epsilon in Red Mountain on Angel Island, and eradicated him as well, freeing the animals. Afterward, he ran a scan to locate Zeta; his results showed that Zeta was not in any range of the Mystic Ruins or Station Square. Gamma realized that he must be aboard the Egg Carrier. So he returned to the Egg Carrier to find Zeta. He was horrified when he saw that Zeta had been built into a large defense system for the Egg Carrier. After destroying the upgraded and much more heavily fortified version of Zeta, he overlooked his progress, trying to locate the final E-series model, E-101 Beta, knowing that he must be on or around the Egg Carrier. He also overlooked himself as the other E-Series Robot he needed to "save." As he was thinking on the deck of the Egg Carrier, he saw Beta zipping by as the newly rebuilt E-101 Beta MK2. Gamma ran to were Beta was, who was waiting for him, and they engaged in a final confrontation. Despite Beta being superior in every way, Gamma managed to best him. As he walked closer to finish him off, Beta used the last of his strength to fire a point-blank blast at Gamma, severely wounding him, before exploding. As Gamma limped away from the explosion, he saw the White Flicky flying away from Beta, and his life literally flashes before his eyes before coming across an image of a family of Flickies. Realizing what needed to be done, he collapses and dies, exploding and releasing the Pink Flicky inside him. The two Flickies join together, and reunited with Amy Rose's Blue Flicky. The Trio of birds are later seen when Perfect Chaos destroys Station Square, and Sonic transforms into Super Sonic to stop him.

Gamma would be referenced several times throughout the series, and even somewhat made a reappearance in the awesome Sonic Battle as E-102 Chaos Gamma. Unlike Gamma, Chaos Gamma followed Eggman without question, and had a bitter rivalry with the main character, a Gizoid named Emerl. Chaos Gamma, though, still had some free will like Gamma, but in a more tragic sense. Instead, he was consumed by jealously and revenge to the point where he suffers both on his body and mind. Chaos Gamma looks near identical to Gamma, but lacks his headlight and has two arms that transforms into weapons rather than one arm being only an arm cannon. Heck, some characters even mistake him for the original Gamma. Chaos Gamma had mass-produced copies of himself called Guard Robo's, grey recolors of Chaos Gamma that do not speak at all.

In Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Adventure 2: Battle, E-1000's guard the pyramid base. They looks very similar to Gamma, but have the same weapons as Beta MK 1. They could be destroyed very easily, though.

In Sonic Heroes, apparently Omega of Team Dark references Gamma and Beta if you clear a stage with an E-Rank, and he has the highest score, where he says "I couldn't even beat Gamma or Beta."

Gamma shows up as a secret playable character in a game called Sonic Shuffle, apparently being revived through "the power of dreams". Sonic Shuffle is basically Mario Party, but with Sonic Characters. I have never played the game, but people said it was horrible.

His Sonic X Counterpart's history, as well as Beta's, is near identical to his game counterpart, but instead of destroying his brothers (except Beta), he reprograms them to release the animals inside of them, shutting the robots down in the process. Gamma also try to reason with Beta that Eggman was evil, but Beta refuses to listen, calling him a traitor, and thus they fought to the death. Also, in his final fight with Beta MK2, Amy was there to witness the battle, and instead of Beta fatally wounding Gamma, they both instantly killed each other at the same time, releasing their Flickies. Amy was absolutely horrified, and mourned Gamma's death. Beta was also renamed E-101 "Kai".

Gamma's and Beta's Archie Comics counterparts after the Genesis Wave are identical to their game counterparts. Before the Genesis Wave, though, Gamma's life was the same as his game counterpart until after his battle with E-101 Beta MK2 (Who was colored Red and Black instead of Black and White), in which he survived and made it his mission to free every single E-100 Unit. After destroying E-1000, the last one left, he became an assassin and traveled the world fighting the Eggman Empire. He silently and stealthily helped out many resistance fighters, but never joined any group, working completely on his own. After a year of working solo, he wast starting to wear down from his battles. Shadow The Hedgehog was sent from G.U.N. to recruit him, but was ambushed by him. Gamma then saw that Shadow was no enemy, and was thus an ally. After Shadow explains why he was searching for Gamma, Gamma agrees to join, believing his time fighting the Empire alone is over. Before they could return to the rendezvous point, E-123 Omega, the newly created and last of the E-100 series, appeared, having been sent by Eggman to terminate Gamma. Shadow held Omega busy while he told Gamma to flee. After Omega defeated Shadow, he proceeded to hunt down Gamma. Through the radio, they exchange comments about their strengths and weaknesses before Gamma takes Omega down with some precise shots, although he is undamaged. Gamma comments that while Omega is a walking arsenal, he himself is an assassin, with Omega acknowledging his strengths, and seeing how he could defeat the other E-100 units. Gamma then approaches Omega and surrenders, admitting Omega was right: Gamma was outdated, and the resistance needed something more. As Omega prepared to destroy Gamma, Gamma told him his soul was indestructible, and would live on inside Omega, despite Omega's mockery. Shadow attempted to intervene, but was too late. Omega then destroyed him in front of Shadow, releasing the Flicky inside, but not before Gamma uploaded his Free Will program into Omega, giving him a free will of his own. Gamma gave some parting words to Omega before finally disappearing and allowing the program to take full effect. Unwilling and unable to follow Eggman's orders anymore due to having a free will now, Omega joined G.U.N. in place of Gamma, and he and Shadow built a grave marker in his memory.

Well, the school year is closing soon. I plan on making one last model before I go.

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