Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Unfinished Strider Sequel

It's been forever since I've done one of these posts. It's probably gonna be a long time before I do another one too.

Well, this is a mostly unfinished scene from my Strider series. This image shows 3 Striders coming to what remains of a battle that happened 50 years prior to the time in this image. As for the 3 Striders standing, the one on the left is Tourmaline, the one in the middle is Agate, and the one on the right is Topaz. They are New Generation Striders. I've mentioned them in a previous post (check this post: http://enderstudios.blogspot.com/2017/04/what-are-striders-part-3-characters.html). As for the cave, it's a terrible sight. The rotted and decayed corpses of humans and aliens, specifically Gnarlash (check this post: http://enderstudios.blogspot.com/2015/12/the-gnarlash-and-sneak-peak.html), as well as dead, rusting Striders. At the end of the cave is a somewhat familiar face, in a different position from the rest of the bodies. It's Blue. What the heck happened here?

Well the reason this scene exists is because I pretty much tell the rest of the story of my Strider series. (For part 1, check this post: http://enderstudios.blogspot.com/2016/02/my-oc-story-part-1.html
For part 2, check this post: http://enderstudios.blogspot.com/2016/04/the-strider-series-part-2.html
For part 3, check this post: http://enderstudios.blogspot.com/2016/04/strider-series-part-3.html
For Part 4, check this post: http://enderstudios.blogspot.com/2016/06/the-strider-series-part-4.html
For the whole story, including after part 4, in case you don't wanna look at the parts, check this post. Just be prepared for a crap-ton of reading: http://enderstudios.blogspot.com/2017/04/what-are-striders-part-1-history-of.html) After learning space travel, something bad happens, and Blue is forced to reside on an uncharted planet in the galaxy that he made as his own personal getaway. The forces that attacked pursued him, but they had no idea that the place was rigged with defenses and traps should any unwelcome guests come by. The army that followed was quickly shredded, but still attacked nonetheless. Trapped in a cave, Blue made a final stand. He emerged victorious in the end, but was left critically injured to the point where he shut down, with most of his systems malfunctioning. There, he rusted for the next 50 years until a group of archaeologist Striders, the aforementioned Agate, Topaz, and Tourmaline, found him.

As for why this scene was finished, I was attempting to pick up on some new tricks for modeling scenes. While here it looks like a simple half-sphere with an opening to be somewhat like a cave, I was trying to create a cave system that led to this scene. It would've looked awesome...

Well. this will be the last post I make or a long time. Unless I do a shitpost. Who knows?