Monday, April 3, 2017

What are the Striders Part 3: Characters

Blue: The main protagonist of the Strider series, and the Son of the King and Queen. He was once an elite member of the Royal Guard, but then was betrayed by his own mother, who wishes to incite a war on humanity. He seeks to bring her to justice and stop the war from happening. Calm, cool, and collected defines him. He has a strong sense of justice, and is single-minded towards his goals, possessing an incredible amount of determination. He cares for his friends and family, even the Queen, despite all the wrongs she put onto him. In battle, he's an expert with his Light Sword, which can cut through metal like a 1500 Degree Knife through butter. He's generally an expert at using anything that can cut, including Daggers and flying disks with razor-sharp rings on them. Besides his weapons, he's an expert at hand-to-hand combat, being able to trounce multiple opponents. Currently is the new ruler of the Striders.

Green: Blue's friend, whom helps him on his quest to stop the Queen. He was ready to enlist into the Detective Agency of the Royal Guard, but refused when Blue told him of the Queen's lies. Unlike his more quiet friend Blue, Green is more talkative. He's snarky, sometimes sarcastic, and likes to tell jokes. He's really is a nice person though, and will gladly help anyone in need. His intellect and problem-solving skills is what nearly got him into the Detective Agency. When it comes to combat, he overwhelms is opponents with his movement and skill. Although proficient at many weapons, he usually prefers reach, as he is armed with a Light Staff and a built-in arm cannon that can be tuned to many different kinds of shooting modes, with his most powerful mode being the White Noise Cannon. Currently acts as the ambassador for the Striders.

Grey (Right): A Strider who's in the higher class. He works alongside his best friend, White. He prefers to live life like it is, comfortable with the way he is, and is fairly easygoing and casual. He prefers to take things slow most of the time. He does have a strong sense of right and wrong, and like his friend, is somewhat curious regarding certain events, leading him into contact with runaways Blue and Green. While he's hardly a fighter, he makes up for it with his hacking skills.

White (Left): A Strider who's in the higher class. He works alongside his best friend, Grey. Unlike Grey, he lives life in the fast lane, always striving for more and is always on the move, and is very competitive. He does share his friend's curiosity and sense of right and wrong, and suggested contacting Blue and Green in the first place. He's no fighter, but he does have many connections that can help him get some jobs done.

The Queen: The main antagonist of the Strider Series, and Blue's mother. Originally named "Love", she was crowned ruler of the Striders due to her marvelous efforts in creating their city and foundation alongside her husband, the King. Originally kind, passionate, and willing to give her all for her people, that all changed when her Son, who would later go on to become Blue, was nearly killed after an encounter with humans, turning her vain, manipulative, and thirsty for human blood. Most of the Striders crave human blood now, so she plans on starting a war to crush the humans completely. While she is blinded by her desire to get revenge on the humans, that isn't to say that she isn't cautious and a planner for the future. She has upgraded herself to have powerful abilities, and even has wings that grant her the ability of flight. Her staff fires devastating lasers. She eventually confessed to all Striders of her actions to start a war, and is locked up for life.

The Commander (Left): The commander of the Royal Guard, who's real name is Orange (though people usually call him Orge (spelled oh-erg)). He's lived a very long time, and has been in command of the Royal Guard for almost all his life. During the capture of Blue, his hands we're cut clean off, and as a substitute for his hands, he was given an experimental shapeshifting blue liquid that acts according to his will. This leaves him with a deep-seated hatred of Blue. He obeys the Queen without question, no matter what her motives may be. He's a very confident individual who has worked on various military projects in the past in the event of war. While he claims he does things in the name of the people, he couldn't be anymore excited to fight people. When not using his many contraptions, expect him to be wielding a giant mace and a machine gun, both being heavy-hitting weapons. He was eventually slain by Blue and Green, despite his efforts.

The Knight: Sub-commander of the Royal Guard, and sometimes acts as the Queen's personal bodyguard. He is the brother of Blue, originally named Second. His name was changed to Navy after a subsequent upgrade, and his callsign became Knight. He's known that something was fishy about the queen ever since she was going to spearhead the war on the humans. Navy has a code of honor, and has a strong sense of what is right and wrong. While he is bound by loyalty, if he senses that there is some kind of dishonor in his superiors, he will gladly desert. Being a Knight, he's trained in the art of swords, and does especially well with his double-sided sword. He sadly died saving his brother's life from The Queen.

The King: The very first Strider ever made, and was once the ruler of all Striders. Originally named First, he was and always has been a peaceful Strider. When others call for war, he calls for peace. His people are extremely loyal to him, and will even give their lives for him. Sadly, he was assassinated by his own wife, the Queen, while attending a meeting for a truce between Humans and Striders, with his death nearly inciting a war.

The Berserker: Originally named the "Zeus" unit, the Berserker is a silent goliath of huge power. As the Zeus unit, part of a project to create a hero for the people, it was deemed a failure when it's personality somehow got corrupted, turning it from a bringer of hope to a bringer of atrocity. Despite being reprogrammed, destroyed, and rebuilt repeatedly, the corruption still remained, turning worse and worse. It was sealed away for good and commissioned to be destroyed permanently, until the Commander got a hold of the Project. While it doesn't show much emotion at all, it is known to be very destructive, and  has a hatred of Blue, since he participated in the project and also destroyed him repeatedly. Is skilled in a variety of weapons, mainly it's Sword, Spear, and it's main weapon of choice, its Hammer. Can even fly. Was eventually put down for good, thanks to the combined efforts of Blue and Green.

Aside from the main characters, I have some that have use for the future:

Agate: An archeologist and history-researcher. He has an incredible amount of determination, and is always trying to find the truth about something. His work has gotten him some recognition from other scientists. He's a bit snarky and sarcastic, much to his friends chagrin, but he does know how to lead and establish trust in others. He's also into dark humor, which not many people are fond of. It seems he and his friends are searching for something...

Topaz: Agate's friend. She too is an archeologist and researches history, sharing Agate's curiosity. She's a go-getter who will see her goals achieved. Unlike Agate, however, she knows what she can do and what she cant do, which leads to her often butting heads and bickering with the even higher-achieving Agate. Nevertheless, the two have been friends for a long time, and are almost like brother and sister, with Topaz often being the older sister. She has a habit of cursing aggressively when angered, and she does have quite a temper. It seems she too is searching for something...

Tourmaline: Agate and Topaz's friend. While normally quiet, cool and calm, he does deeply care for his friends, willing to protect them. Like Agate and Topaz, he's an archeologist. He's tough, and thinks things through logically and carefully. He's a really cool guy, despite his towering stature. He'd also prefer to avoid danger rather than run towards it. It seems that he's also searching for something...

What are the Striders Part 2: Anatomy, Economy, etc.

Now we're getting into the nitty gritty of things: what are the Striders themselves? This will be answered in this post.

The Striders are essentially self-aware robots that can think, feel, and act like humans. While having processors like computers, they still can think metaphysically, act on what they want, etc. Their personalities differ just like humans. They can range from being cocky and narcissistic, loving and caring, cool and badass, emo and gloomy, having a few screws loose, or even be psychopaths and sociopaths bent on causing harm or death to others. Ever since their existence was made known the the world, they are in many ways considered to be human as well. While clearly ready for combat, they are mostly a pacifist race, only resorting to violence when all other options have been exhausted.

When the King and Queen were built, they were pure machines made of metal, wires, computer chips, and the like. As they built more Striders, however, they improved on the original design, making their forms much more flexible. After the discovery of nanofiber, this made them more durable and flexible, to the point that they could give themselves new faces. This fiber also made them slightly organic, allowing them to reproduce like mammals instead of assembling them.

The iconic visors you see on the Striders are actually masks hiding their true faces. They look similar to humans. They even have hair, thanks to nanofiber. Like humans, their faces differ from each other.

The colors of each Strider differ most of the time to give them more unique looks, although people higher in power have the most distinct colors.

A Striders' internal makings consists of machinery, wires, nanofiber, and a power core of infinite energy located where our hearts would be. Because of this infinite energy, a Strider can potentially live indefinitely. That isn't the total case, however, as Striders do rust and fall apart as they age. They just have far longer lifespans than humans, ranging from an average life expectancy between 150 years to over 400 years. Striking the power core will have them run on backup power, in which they are essentially getting way closer to death. Their head contains their main processor unit that has evolved to think like humans and be self-aware.

Once a Strider dies, that's it. They cannot be rebuilt, they cannot be reprogrammed back. Everything that Strider was and was going to be is gone forever.

The Strider economy is not unlike that of humans. They have jobs, they govern, and use a currency called Nanons for trade. Since Viate City is slowly expanding, more jobs for Striders can exist. The government system is far better than humans, but is not without any kind of corruption. The Royal Guard is essentially a peace keeping unit for the city, acting as the city's all-in-one protection unit. From being the police to acting as firefighters, they can do it all, and make sure that the safety of all Striders is ensured through their actions. Unfortunately, most do mindlessly do anything to the King or Queen's heart, leading to some corruption of them via higher ranks.

The technology they wield is far better than that of humans. From tangible holograms and flying cars, to highways made of light and their greatest creation: Quantum Manipulator Devices, or QMD's for short. Quantum Manipulator Devices use subatomic particles called Quantum Particles. These particles, with the right technology, can mimic any kind of element that's non organic. With even more technology, they can be used to create entire objects, from something as small as a knife to something as crazy as a skyscraper. With these devices, however, the exact dimensions of the object must be calculated before it can be formed, something that the Striders can do with no problem at all.

Quantum Particles were found after an expedition to another dimension, during a scientific experiment. The researchers found these particles in abundance in that dimension, and they were abundant in their own dimension too. Quantum Particles have the uncanny ability to multiply themselves at an exceedingly fast rate, allowing for no shortage of Quantum Particles.

Most Striders come programmed with some form of combat knowledge in the event they are faced with danger as a self-defense mechanism. These Striders, despite maybe having a position in the Royal Guard, will often look for other jobs.

Well, that's all I have to say about the way of life in the Strider World.

What are the Striders Part 1: History of the Striders

If anybody has looked into my blog, you might have seen something about "Striders," and if anybody has been keeping up with my blog (not that anybody would, though), then you may have an idea. You probably don't know the full story of these sentient robots, so you might ask yourself: what exactly ARE the Striders, besides obviously being robots? Well, first, the history of the Striders will be implemented. I would've posted in in one of my future parts for the Strider Series, but I'm as lazy for making another part as much as my peers are in school for doing anything important. So, spoilers for what has yet to be revealed will be revealed here.

To put it simply, the Striders are a race of highly advanced robots created by a brilliant scientist named Dr. Adificium, or Dr. Adi for short. Having knowledge of advanced robotics, and seeing as robotics we're booming around his time, he decided to make a robot that would be truly revolutionary. He disregarded Issac Asimov's Laws of Robotics and programmed the very first Strider. Being able to replicate the thought process of a human being, whilst still maintaining it's computer-like thinking, this Strider was amazing. It could read feelings, project emotions, think metaphysically, and, most importantly, was given a "soul." This Strider was simply named "First." First worked with Dr. Adi to make great things happen. Unfortunately, military businesses and such wanted the blueprints to First so they can make their own self-aware combat robots. Knowing that it would make any military unstoppable, Dr. Adi refused.

Eventually, Dr. Adi built a second Strider.  Her name was, at first, "Love." First and Love would come together and love each other. Soon, though, military corporations started taking drastic measures to make their own Striders. They failed, and soon turned their attention on Dr. Adi, and stormed his laboratory. Dr. Adi entrusted First and Love with a hard-drive containing all info on his previous inventions, his inventions he's currently working on, and his concepts for the future, as well as the blueprints for Striders. They ran away, and Dr. Adi, knowing that they weren't going to take him alive, and would turn all of his inventions into weapons of mass destruction, sacrificed himself by blowing up his laboratory, claiming the lives of himself and the soldiers that were storming it.

 First, knowing of a hidden secondary lab, bright Love with him there. Calling this place home, they stayed there for a while, and built more Striders so they wouldn't be so lonely with only the two of them. The expanded the laboratory more and more with the help of other Striders, eventually creating a city hidden from the rest of the world, where they lived in peace. But, being that Striders have thought processes like humans, Striders would go rogue, and thus the Royal Guard was created, and The Commander was made to command said Guard. For all of their hard work and importance for creating the society they now have, the Striders crowned First and Love King and Queen of the city, and officially gave the city a name: Viate City, or the City of Life. Shortly after the beginning of their society, they built for them a son called... "Son." Son was their pride and joy, and the city believed that they were going into a great era of peace. Son made friends with another young Strider called Green, who dreamed of being with the Royal Guard. Over time, the Strider Race quickly upgraded themselves, eventually integrating nano fiber into their biology, and made many more important inventions, including the now-recent invention of nanomachines.

Everything seemed great... until one fateful day. Son, now older and upgraded, was on a small expedition with other Striders when they came upon humans for the first time. The world had greatly changed as they built their society. Thinking them to be dangerous robots, the humans attacked them viciously, and Son was nearly killed in the attack. This left the King and Queen devastated, as well as the rest of Viate City. The Striders demanded that they go to war, but the King insisted that they remain calm, much to the Queen's chagrin, who grew a hatred of humans. Whilst trying to figure something out, now that their existence is known, the Queen had built another son called "Second" in secret. The King found out and was disappointed that she made a replacement, but left it so. Taking Son's body, they rebuilt and revived him, and now he was known as Blue, but the Queen programmed combat knowledge into Blue so that he wouldn't die again. Second was later upgraded into Knight.

Humans then landed in the outskirts of their city, asking to talk with the King. The King answered to the request, and after a rather long conversation, agreed to sign treaties with each other. At the meeting place, Blue was assigned to guard him. The Queen, unforgiving of the humans and now her own husband, followed them in secret. There, she assassinated everyone, including the King, but Blue, with a Sniper. Blue returned to the city, but knew of the Queen's acts. The Queen knew he would attempt to tell everyone, so she gave the city's detective agency, now led by Green, the Sniper used at the meeting. By using technology to form Blue's NFA (Nano-Fiberic Acid, the Strider Equivalent of DNA after the nano fiber upgrade), she pointed all evidence to him, prompting officials to detain him and sentence him to execution. Green knew this was wrong, and Blue told him everything he knew. Then Blue was put in the execution chamber, and thus the series began...

If you haven't watched the whole series from the beginning, then this is how it goes: The series officially begins with Grey and White having a conversation with each other as they walk into the Execution chamber. As The Commander prepares to pull the lever and have Blue die by spikes and lava, Green interrupts and knocks out the Commander, and fends off some grunts. The Queen and the Audience leave the scene, and Blue is freed unharmed with the help of Green, as well as defeating all of the grunts in the area. During the commotion, the Commander escaped unseen, and headed to the Berserker Chamber to give the Berserker an upgrade.

They then leave for the nearest prison in order to create a distraction so they can move a bit more freely, but the Queen had sent more guards to protect the place, leading to a somewhat one-sided battle. That was until Green pulled out his trump card: the White Noise Cannon. With it, he reduced every grunt to nothing with the exception of the Warden, who was equipped with an energy shield. Before the Warden could finish off the drained Green, he was finished off by Blue. Afterwards, the Queen gets a call from the Commander about the projects he's working on to end this rebellion, but the Queen suspects that he's going to fail somehow, leading her to make her own precautions. Afterwards, Blue and Green get a call from Grey and White, who want some answers from them. After hearing of what really happened, Grey and White lend Green and Blue their support.

They head to Grey's apartment to rest. On the streets of Viate City, the prisoners from the prison Blue and Green broke into are mostly rounded up with the efforts of Knight and the grunts, but then word gets out that prisoners have somehow managed to break free two more prisons, leading to double the trouble. Blue, spectating from above, give's Green and the others an update on the situation, and heads back to the apartment. Unknown to him, though, is that the vengeful Berserker is watching him, but The Commander tells him to save his strength for when the real battle begins.

On their way to the weapons vault, Blue and green come across the newly upgraded Berserker, lying in power-down mode in a chamber. Blue explains that the Berserker was originally part of Project Zeus a project meant to create a hero for the people, invented by The King. Blue and the Commander were spearheading the project, but the personality of the Berserker got corrupted, turning it from a bringer of justice into a bringer of atrocity. They took drastic measures to reprogram the Berserker, destroying and shutting it down, only to reactivate and rebuild it, but it's malice got worse and worse each time, and even escaped containment several times. In the end, it was renamed the Berserker Unit, and was to be destroyed permanently. Green deduces that the Commander had something to do with its upgrade, and the Commander appears via hologram, and explains that the chamber they're in is made of Quantum Particles, allowing them to built solid holo-reality objects at the flick of a switch. He then tells them that this technology even blocks the exits, allowing them no escape. After transforming the chamber into a giant arena, he finally releases the Berserker to have its revenge on Blue, and the Berserker attacks.

Continuing where I left off from the actual series, Blue and Green are pitted against the Silent Berserker, now upgraded. They prove to be no match for the Berserker, who brutally assaults them. Eventually, though, a program hidden by the King activates within Blue, and Blue gains the ability to manipulate nanomachines. Using the nanomachines, he re-contains The Berserker, and they manage to escape to the weapons vault. Green gains access to an EMP configuration for his blaster, while Blue gains two new weapons: QMD Daggers (Quantum Manipulator Device Daggers. Essentially infinite daggers) and two floating orbs with razor-sharp disks that can be controlled.

As they leave, they are confronted once again by a hologram of The Commander, who uses another device to create evil clones of Green and Blue called "The Darks." Green and Blue manage to overcome their evil doppelgangers, and retreat back to Grey's apartment.

There, they hack into the mainframe of the Queen's citadel in order to plan out their attack. Suddenly, they are attacked by The Berserker again, who nearly kills White. Using their newfound gear, they overpower and crush the Berserker. After that, Grey rushes White to the Hospital, while Blue and Green find sanctuary underground.

After resting there, they head out in the sewers to the citadel, only to be stopped by The Knight, who's real name is Navy after being upgraded. Navy challenges Blue to a mano-y-mano duel. Blue, despite almost losing, defeats his brother, and convinces him to join their side, since he knew there was always something fishy about the Queen ever since the King died.

During the siege of the citadel, they encounter enhanced versions of the usual grunts they faced off with. They then come face-to-face with the Commander. The Commander says that he would've respected Blue more if he didn't rob him of his original hands during Blue's capture. The blue metallic shape-shifting liquid around what was once his hands serve as a constant reminder of why Blue needs to die. After destroying several of his contraptions, the 3 Fight The Commander himself, to which he is finally defeated and slain. Afterwards, they finally reach the Queen herself.

The Queen engages in battle with the 3 rebelling Striders, and when she unleashes a devastating attack on Blue, Navy jumps in the way and takes it, sacrificing himself and dying. Outraged, Blue and Green attack the Queen with all of their might, and after a crazy, hard-fought battle, the 2 emerge victorious. Using the city-wide announcer microphone, they force her to confess of her crimes against the Striders and the Human race.

The Queen is then imprisoned for life in Ultra-Maxim Security, and while unwanting of the position, Blue was elected as the new ruler of Viate city, and leads the city towards a new era of great peace. Green became his ambassador, and made peace contracts with the rest of the world. Soon Striders got sent to to other countries, and thanks to combining sciences, they even reached space travel and made contact with alien life forms, both friendly and hostile. Everything, though, seemed to go good, until...

Whelp, that's the entire history for this part of The Strider Series. Next, I'll be taking about what the Striders are and what their life is like.