Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Enter: The Ultra Beasts! Part 1

Well, I had time on my hands, so using MAYA, I was able to create my own models of Pokemon Sun and Moon's very own Ultra Beasts. I finished Buzzwole right before I abruptly went on Winter Vacation. I managed to finish Pheromosa in a few hours after coming back, since it's rather easy to recreate. In case you don't know, the Ultra Beasts are basically really weird-looking, but almost ungodly strong Legendary Pokemon that (SPOILER ALERT) hail from another dimension called Ultra Space, and thankfully cannot be caught until a post-game mission. They're so unique, that the games even has a Pokeball made specifically for catching them, being Beast Balls, which have a 5x catch rate for Ultra Beasts, which disappointingly means that they're easy to catch, but have a .1x catch rate for regular Pokemon. If you catch a regular Pokemon with a Beast Ball, then you are a beast yourself, because that's awesome. Also, each Ultra Beast has access to an ability called Beast boost, which

The one on top is a Sun exclusive, UB-02 Absorption, properly known as Buzzwole. According to the Aether Foundation, its most notable feature is its ability to strengthen itself. By absorbing the energy of its foes, it triggers a chemical reaction within its body fluids that causes its muscles to grow at explosive rates. Buzzwole appears to strike bodybuilding poses before it performs any sort of action; this is thought to be its main form of communication, but what it could be trying to communicate is not understood. Witnesses saw it pulverize a dump truck with a single punch. Besides it description, its stats are rather crazy. Firstly, it's a dual Bug/Fighting type, meaning that it gets wrecked by Fairy, Fire, Psychic, and especially Flying types. Base HP of 103, Base Attack and Defense of a crazy 139, base Special Attack and Special Defense of a useless 53, but base speed of a decent 79. This guy is the definition of a physical attacker. While it's almost useless on the Special Attack/Special Defense area, its physical properties make it an absolute monster, being able to tank huge amounts of damage. If played right, this guy can be a complete Tank, especially if your opponent is a physical attacker, allowing you to sweep the enemy with your rather decent speed and overwhelming power!

The one on the bottom is a Moon exclusive, UB-02 Beauty, properly known as Pheromosa. Pheromosa's lithe, elegant body is capable of sudden feats of acceleration, able to twitch its limbs at an estimated 120 mph (200 km/h) instantaneously, a speed previously unseen in the world. It also produces a sort of disarming pheromone which was described as "previously unknown to science" that causes those nearby to become awestruck by its presence, no matter it's gender. It displays a considerable reluctance towards touching anything, as if it interprets the Pokémon world as being unclean somehow. Pheromosa's stats, though, is insane. It's the best Glass Cannon that we have. Firstly, it's also Bug/Fighting, like it's Sun counterpart. It has a weak Base HP stat of 71, and embarrassingly low Base Defense and Special Defense of 37. Makes you think that a Lvl 1 Charmander can OHKO it with one Ember. But no, good luck trying to hit the thing without dying, for it's offensive stats are INSANE. Base Attack and Special attack of 137, almost guaranteeing it the position of wall-breaker, and it has a stupidly high Base Speed of 151! While killing it is no problem, good luck actually trying to hit it. With this set up, you can sweep entire teams, and possibly mutate the salt into ACID! It's movepool is similar to it's Sun counterpart, being that it's more of a physical attacker than a special.

Well, when it comes to my opinions on these models I made, I know I did rather Poorly with Buzzwole. I mean, it just looks... eh. Thats the only word I can give it. I honestly think it's bad, but then again, Buzzwole is one of the more detailed Ultra Beasts. Pheromosa, however, I think I almost nailed it. It's body wasn't very hard to recreate, but its hair-whatever was somewhat hard.

And to think that I haven't gotten to the other Ultra Beasts yet. Next time, I'll showcase UB-04 Blade, who is properly known as Kartana. It's also my favorite Ultra Beast. First, obviously, I'll need to actually create it. Until next time!

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