Monday, January 23, 2017

Enter: The Ultra Beasts! Part 3

I thought it was hard, but I finally did it! This is UB-03 Lighting, otherwise known as Xurkitree. This took me less than an hour-and-a-half to create. Not gonna lie, I got a bit lazy with its wiring, as trying to make it close to the original would be too hard at my current level. Although you can still definitely tell that this thing is Xurkitree if you looked at it. It can be caught in both Sun and Moon, and you have to catch two of the darn things.

Info: UB-03 Lighting, AKA Xurkitree, the Glowing Pokemon. Because this Ultra Beast reportedly raided a power plant, it is speculated to sustain itself with electricity. This is supported by observations that it will "plug" its limbs and tail into the ground when it is low on energy, entering a tree-like state to absorb electricity from the earth. Witnesses claim that its entire body crackles with astonishing electrical power. The cables that make up its body have been noted as being made of the same material as electrical wiring, and as such are highly efficient conductors of electricity. Its body contains an organ that produces energy, and it can discharge up to 1,000,000 volts at once.

In my opinion (and probably everyone else's), Xurkitree is the weirdest-looking Ultra Beast, and probably the creepiest-looking too. Just look at it! It's literally an electric cable tree with a weird glowing head with no facial features that can discharge electricity at will. Its over 12 ft tall, and it has some rather funky-looking movement, if you've seen its animations in-game. This thing is just weird.

However, don't let its out-there appearance fool you, for this thing has more power than a Firing Squad of Magnezone. Firstly, it has a vanilla typing, being the ONLY Ultra Beast with a single typing of Electric Type. Xurkitree has some rather below average stat distribution. Base HP of 83, Base Attack of 89,  Base Defense of 71, Base Special Defense of 71, and base speed of 83. Good, but not good enough. But wait, aren't we forgetting one more base stat? Yes, we are. This thing has a Base Special Attack equal to an ATOMIC BOMB, with it being a beyond-ridiculous Base Special Attack of 173!!! This guarantee's you the position of wall-breaker for sure! Toxapex, Primarina, Talonflame, Scizor, and many other Pokemon are going down in one hit. Sure, its other stats aren't very good, but they're good enough to get the job done.

Because of its Atomic Special Attack, it makes for a wonderful Special Attack sweeper. It has access to level-up moves such as Ingrain, Thunder Punch, Eerie Impulse, Signal Beam, Hypnosis (somehow), Discharge!?, Electric Terrain!?, Power Whip!?, Zap Cannon!?, and... ****. Is that Tail Glow? Is that really Tail Glow? The move that raises the user's Special Attack by 3 stages? That's just overkill at this point. I haven't even mentioned Beast boost, which raises an Ultra Beast's most prominent stat, being Xurkitree's Special Attack in this case, by one stage whenever they KO an opposing Pokemon. As if it wasn't easy enough to outright KILL Pokemon with it's almighty Special Attack. They just gotta add more insult to injury, huh? It also has access to many TMs, but I'm just gonna name STAB moves such as Thunderbolt, Thunder, Charge Beam, freaking Volt Switch, and Wild Charge. Is it OP? Once again, no. Because of its balanced below-average stats besides its Special Attack, you can KO it before it has a chance to obliterate you. Not to mention that it's weak to Ground typing. While some Electric Types have the ability Levitate, it's impossible for Xurkitree to have such ability, meaning you can really destroy it. Still, it's not to be messed with period.

Fun story: after I became champion in Sun, I went on to do the post-game Ultra Beast Missions. The 3rd one was Xurkitree, and I went to the location it was spotted in. I brought out my tanky asf Solgaleo (because Wynaut?) and used Cosmic Power 3 times so it can stall. It had 253 Health at level 64, and its Defense and Special Defense is Above Average. I watched in complete disbelief as the monstrosity known as UB-03 used one Discharge and Solgaleo's health plummeted from 253 with 3 Stages of increased Defense and Special Defense all the way down to 0. Because I didn't watch any video's pertaining to the stats of the Ultra Beasts beforehand (because I wanted no spoilers from the leaked Pokedex) it literally took me a second to completely process what had just happened and why it must have happened. That thing nearly swept my entire team. Even worse, you have to catch two of the darn things. Good luck trying to catch it without getting at least 2 of your Pokemon outright killed.

Well, now I have 3 more Ultra Beasts left to do. This time for sure, I'll do either Celesteela or Guzzlord next.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Enter: The Ultra Beasts! Part 2

After a freaking large amount of time, I've finally done it. I have created UB-04 Blade, properly known as Kartana. It is a Sun-Exclusive Ultra Beast, and you have to capture four of these things once it pops up in the post-game mission. This model was surprisingly hard to make, especially its "legs". Yikes. Nevertheless, I persevered and finally got this done.

Info: UB-04 BLADE, also known as Kartana, the Drawn Sword Pokemon. Despite its small size compared to the other Ultra Beasts, Kartana is extremely dangerous, as every edge of its body is impossibly sharp. It is able to cut down a gigantic steel tower with one stroke of the blades on its arms, and any opponents that try to attack it will be similarly cut apart. Its light, paper-like body allows it to evade most attacks by simply floating out of the way, but it also makes it highly vulnerable to fire and moisture. While it does not attack enemies on its own, it sharp body is dangerous in of itself. 

I would also like to say that Kartana is my favorite Ultra Beast. Not only for its origami-like look, its somewhat playful animations, and its overall concept of paper-cutting to the extreme, but also because of its lovely battle properties. It's typing is Bug/Steel, meaning it's resistant to half of the type chart, save for a few such as Fighting and especially Fire types, and comes with the lovely property of being immune to Poison types (Which gets rid of your Toxapex issues, save for Salazzle, whose signature ability, Corrosion, allows it to poison ANY type). This thing's offensive abilities, though, are INSANE. In a similar manner to Buzzwole, this thing is more of a Physical Attacker than a Special Attacker, but is a WAY better one. A tiny Base HP of 59, beyond ridiculous Base attack of 181!!! 181!!! This means you can cut down almost any type in a single hit, breaking any wall thats been set up. Not only can it deal damage, it can take it too, with a crazy Base Defense of 131! At this point, its small health seemingly doesn't matter if it can not only act as a Physical Wall, but also act as a Physical Sweeper too. Is it completely OP? No. While its Special Attack is slightly better than Buzzwole's, being a small Base stat of 59, its Special Defense is even worse, being an embarrassing Base Stat of 31. Not to mention that Pokemon like Salazzle, Primarina, Garchomp, Lucario, Talonflame, Vikavolt, and so many other well-rounded and Special Attack-Pokemon can end Kartana easily. Thats not going to help, though, since its Base Speed is 109, which out-speeds several of the aforementioned Pokemon. Don't even get me started on its scary ability Beast Boost, which all of the Ultra Beats share. Beast Boost raises an Ultra Beast's beast stat by one stage if it knocks out a Pokemon, which means the more KO's Kartana gets, the stronger it gets with it's already scary Base Attack stat. It's Base Stat Total equals up to 570. That is terrifying. While its not quite up to Legendary Status, it's strong enough already.

It gets even crazier when it has access to moves by leveling up like Synthesis, Psycho Cut, X-Scissor, Aerial Ace, Laser Focus, Detect, Leaf Blade, ****ing Swords dance AND Sacred Sword. Swords Dance and ****ing Sacred Sword (Isn't that move exclusive to the Swords of Justice? Apparently not anymore.) I don't care what Pokemon you use, a combination of both of that will mean your end. It also is able to learn TM moves like Calm Mind, Toxic (somehow), Double Team, also Swords Dance, Smart Strike, Giga Impact, and Substitute. All with good coverage and raw, un-contained offensive power! It's also tied with Cosmog, Ghastly, Haunter, and Flabebe as the lightest Pokemon in the entire series. Most people say that Kartana might be the best Ultra Beast in the game besides its Moon counterpart, Celesteela, whose Base Stats are the most balanced of the Ultra Beasts.

Welp this was a doozy to make. I'm not sure which one to start on next. Maybe Celesteela or Guzzlord. We'll just have to see.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Enter: The Ultra Beasts! Part 1

Well, I had time on my hands, so using MAYA, I was able to create my own models of Pokemon Sun and Moon's very own Ultra Beasts. I finished Buzzwole right before I abruptly went on Winter Vacation. I managed to finish Pheromosa in a few hours after coming back, since it's rather easy to recreate. In case you don't know, the Ultra Beasts are basically really weird-looking, but almost ungodly strong Legendary Pokemon that (SPOILER ALERT) hail from another dimension called Ultra Space, and thankfully cannot be caught until a post-game mission. They're so unique, that the games even has a Pokeball made specifically for catching them, being Beast Balls, which have a 5x catch rate for Ultra Beasts, which disappointingly means that they're easy to catch, but have a .1x catch rate for regular Pokemon. If you catch a regular Pokemon with a Beast Ball, then you are a beast yourself, because that's awesome. Also, each Ultra Beast has access to an ability called Beast boost, which

The one on top is a Sun exclusive, UB-02 Absorption, properly known as Buzzwole. According to the Aether Foundation, its most notable feature is its ability to strengthen itself. By absorbing the energy of its foes, it triggers a chemical reaction within its body fluids that causes its muscles to grow at explosive rates. Buzzwole appears to strike bodybuilding poses before it performs any sort of action; this is thought to be its main form of communication, but what it could be trying to communicate is not understood. Witnesses saw it pulverize a dump truck with a single punch. Besides it description, its stats are rather crazy. Firstly, it's a dual Bug/Fighting type, meaning that it gets wrecked by Fairy, Fire, Psychic, and especially Flying types. Base HP of 103, Base Attack and Defense of a crazy 139, base Special Attack and Special Defense of a useless 53, but base speed of a decent 79. This guy is the definition of a physical attacker. While it's almost useless on the Special Attack/Special Defense area, its physical properties make it an absolute monster, being able to tank huge amounts of damage. If played right, this guy can be a complete Tank, especially if your opponent is a physical attacker, allowing you to sweep the enemy with your rather decent speed and overwhelming power!

The one on the bottom is a Moon exclusive, UB-02 Beauty, properly known as Pheromosa. Pheromosa's lithe, elegant body is capable of sudden feats of acceleration, able to twitch its limbs at an estimated 120 mph (200 km/h) instantaneously, a speed previously unseen in the world. It also produces a sort of disarming pheromone which was described as "previously unknown to science" that causes those nearby to become awestruck by its presence, no matter it's gender. It displays a considerable reluctance towards touching anything, as if it interprets the Pokémon world as being unclean somehow. Pheromosa's stats, though, is insane. It's the best Glass Cannon that we have. Firstly, it's also Bug/Fighting, like it's Sun counterpart. It has a weak Base HP stat of 71, and embarrassingly low Base Defense and Special Defense of 37. Makes you think that a Lvl 1 Charmander can OHKO it with one Ember. But no, good luck trying to hit the thing without dying, for it's offensive stats are INSANE. Base Attack and Special attack of 137, almost guaranteeing it the position of wall-breaker, and it has a stupidly high Base Speed of 151! While killing it is no problem, good luck actually trying to hit it. With this set up, you can sweep entire teams, and possibly mutate the salt into ACID! It's movepool is similar to it's Sun counterpart, being that it's more of a physical attacker than a special.

Well, when it comes to my opinions on these models I made, I know I did rather Poorly with Buzzwole. I mean, it just looks... eh. Thats the only word I can give it. I honestly think it's bad, but then again, Buzzwole is one of the more detailed Ultra Beasts. Pheromosa, however, I think I almost nailed it. It's body wasn't very hard to recreate, but its hair-whatever was somewhat hard.

And to think that I haven't gotten to the other Ultra Beasts yet. Next time, I'll showcase UB-04 Blade, who is properly known as Kartana. It's also my favorite Ultra Beast. First, obviously, I'll need to actually create it. Until next time!