Monday, October 31, 2016

R.I.P. Walking Dead.

Okay. I wished I got to this sooner. So, many of you may have at least heard of the AMC TV show "The Walking Dead". It's a show following the story of Rick Grimes, a police officer who was put into a coma for a month while on duty, and wakes up a month later in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. No one knows where the "Walker Virus" came from or why its here. All that's clear is that everyone is in it for themselves as they fight for survival against the hordes of reanimated corpses. Along the way, Rick gains and loses many friends in the apocalypse, including finding his wife and son sticking together with other trustworthy survivors, whiles losing said survivors slowly as he keeps going. There have truly been some impactful moments that alter how Rick and his fellow surviving comrades think and live as they experience the sheer cruelty and brutality of the new world they now live in. Some characters have been present since Season One, while others weren't so lucky. Rick and his group deals with a host of baddies, including The Governor from Woodbury, the People of Terminus, and The Wolves. Just know that the show is very bloody and gory, so those with weak hearts are not advised to watch.

Season 6 had rick and his crew stumble upon the town known as Alexandria. It has been relatively safe from Walkers since the apocalypse started. Things changed up a lot when they reached there, for they had to deal with the in-fighting that started due to their arrival, and had to deal with a literal Army of Walkers that threatened the town (Spoiler Alert: the Walker Army got inside the town, but Rick and his group literally killed every single one of them, marking that episode as my favorite Walking Dead episode of all time).

Rick's Group from near the beginning of Season 6.

After that, they come into contact with the Hilltop Village, and are willing to cooperate with each other. Their problem is that the Hilltop has been dealing with another group of nasty survivors called The Saviors, led by Negan. Here's how the Saviors roll: you either work for them and always give them half of your supplies, or they literally bash some heads in, you work for them, and give them half of your supplies. Either way, you will belong to them. After all the crap that Rick has had to go through for the past 6 seasons, Rick and his group decides that they are going to eradicate the Saviors so that they can work out peaceful negotiations with the Hilltop. They agree, and thus began the Savior-killing crusade. They were doing good, almost practically being ninja's at times, and killed a huge number of them. Tow whole bases of Saviors, in fact. Their primary goal was to get to Negan and eliminate him. However, the Saviors finally caught on to what they were doing. In the last episode of Season 6, They trapped them with no way to escape or retaliate, and Negan himself showed up.

This smug scumbag is Negan himself.

Negan wanted for Rick and his crew to work for him, but he's definitely aware that they killed a lot of his men. So for that, he was going to punish them by "beating the holy hell outta one of you." He's armed with his pride and joy: a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire named Lucille. He couldn't decide who to kill, so he decided to chose his victim at random via a game of Eeny-Meeny-Miny-Moe. The end of the episode ended from the point of view of his victim, and Negan bashing their head in with his bat. Because of the point-of-view, no one could tell who it was, and we had to wait until October 23rd, 2016 to find out.

MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD!!! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. Season 7 finally came around, and we finally found out who got to taste Lucille: the poor Redhead in the picture below, Abraham Ford. He's a former Sergeant who had a wife and children that died in the apocalypse. He came across Rick and his group during Season 3, and joined his group. I guess you could call him the the muscle of the group, and a trusted ally of Rick. Abraham powered through Negan's first blow, and defiantly spilled his last words: "Suck... My... Nuts." before having his head bashed in multiple times from Negan until he was unrecognizable. His love interest, Sasha, who also loved him, cried in horror.
Abraham after taking Negan's first hit.

Then came the Plot Twist of the year: After Negan brutally killed Abraham, Negan showed his bloody bat to the face of Rosita, Abraham's former love interest, forcing her to look at it. That's when Daryl boneheadedly jumped up and slugged Negan in the face before being pinned down by some of Negan's men. Negan said that he would "shut that shit down". When Negan had considered killing Maggie, Glenn retaliated by attempting to push back Negan from her, but was pulled back from Negan's men. He said the first outburst was a "freebie", but no exceptions after that. So then, after talking for a few moments, he chose his next victim at utter random: Fan-Favorite character Glenn Rhee, also my most favorite character in the whole show. He's the dude in the picture at the bottom.

 Glenn after being struck twice from Negan.

Glenn has been in the series since season 1, and is the husband of Maggie Greene, whom he meets in season 2. Glenn is basically Rick's trusted delivery boy, since during the apocalypse, he's done many supply runs, and has even been a Pizza Delivery boy before the apocalypse began. He's also a true friend to Rick, since both have helped each other out of danger on many occasions. Glenn is infamous for always somehow ending up in the middle of a big group of Walkers and always getting out unscathed. There has been about 7 times he got caught in a large herd of Walkers and survived. Since his awesome introduction, he's been my favorite character, and has lived up until now. When Negan chose him, he struck him twice in the head, the second time being so hard, his skull dented and his left eyeball popped out. Blood starts spewing from his head injury and his mouth as Maggie cries. "Maggie... I will find you..." were his last words to his wife before Negan savagely bashed his head in with Lucille until it was paste in probably the most disturbing and goriest scene yet in The Walking Dead series. Even worse, Maggie is currently pregnant with his child, meaning he will never see his child be born.

Things get even worse when, in the span of one episode, Negan himself breaks Rick, who at this point is one of the most stubborn characters besides Daryl. First is the aforementioned killings of Abraham and Glenn right in front of him, then he takes him to a place Rick has been to. Negan throws his axe outside the RV they were in, telling him to go fetch it. Only one problem: the place is filled with walkers, ans smoke covers the place so he couldn't see. After fighting for his life, Rick gets the axe. Then they go back to where Rick's group is and Negan forces Carl onto the ground. He hands Rick his axe and tells him to cut his son's arm off. Rick opts to have his own arm cut off, but Negan says this is the only way, and that if he doesn't do it, he'll kill Carl and the rest of Rick's group. Carl tells his father "It's okay. Just do it." Rick screams as he's is literally about to bring down the axe, but about an inch away from his arm, Negan stops him. He tells him that he owns him and his group, and Rick agrees, basically turning Rick into a punk. Negan then announces to his men that "Today was a productive day!" He then takes Daryl with him as a prisoner and leaves Rick and his group, telling him that they will come back to their village later.

Well, I will say that they did a great job at giving us to instantly hate Negan even more than The Governor. In fact, he makes the Governor look like a cuddly bunny. What's worse about Negan is that unlike The Governor and other such characters, they did the evil deeds they did to survive or because they had something going on in their heads. Negan, on the other hand, knows exactly what he's doing, and he loves it.

This episode was shocking and disturbing, and I both love and hate how they lead us into a false sense of security by making us believe that by killing Abraham, Glenn was going to live. Had Daryl not attacked Negan, Glenn might have lived. It was sad seeing  Abraham die, but it was almost heartbreaking to see Glenn die too, especially since his death was more graphic than Abraham's. It also felt shocking how Negan turned Rick into a little punk. They also took Daryl, in which I couldn't really care because he got Glenn killed. This episode reminded us that the unexpected can still happen, for besides Denise dying, we haven't had any major deaths in The Walking Dead until now. I guess we had actually been actually watching a commercial break or something, and this episode was back to our regularly scheduled program.

Well, I can say that the airing of that episode was a sad day for us Walking Dead fans. They killed 2 people, one being a Fan Favorite, they turned Rick from Stubborn to being a little Punk, they captured Daryl, half of their supplies are practically instantly gone now, and worse of all is that they belong to Negan now. The only hope is a faction of survivors known as The Kingdom, led by King Ezekiel (Or as I like to call him, Dr. Dreadlocks) who just so happens to have a female Pet Tiger named Shiva. Morgan and Carol, one of the few people not rounded up by the Saviors, encountered them, and are being cared for at the moment.

All I can say is that the season premiere was nothing but a string of one bad thing happening after another. It also marks another sad day for Walking Dead fans. I think not even Game of Thrones could get any more shocking than this (I don't watch Game of Thrones, but I do know that apparently about 60% of everyone so far has been killed off.)

Well, I guess this is my overview of The Walking Dead Season 7 Premiere.

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