Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Forgotten and unfinished projects

Well, crap.

Welcome to my latest post, featuring my projects that either went unfinished, became ultimately forgotten, or both. You're going to see a lot in the "or both" category. Lets go over them.

This was for an idea I once had. I thought that I was going to rebuild the Egg Fleet from Sonic Heroes. This was supposed to be the second-biggest ship from the egg fleet, right behind Eggman's flagship, the Final Fortress. While I was going somewhere, it sadly was left unfinished, then forgotten altogether.

This scene goes WAY back to when I was first making MAYA 2014 scenes. It was simply  some armored guy busting his way through this very very tiny castle to face off against the Bad Guy.

I had painteffects on the armored guy so that he'd have a fist of fire. Sadly, you apparently have to go through complicated things before you can get painteffects to render.

Also, this scene takes a long time to render simply because of this freaking bookshelf right here, if you can see it. The books in it actually have pages (albeit not written), and the number of these makes it even worse. (Sorry if its to dark for you to see...)

We also can't really forget one of my favorite scenes from when I first started modeling in MAYA 2014. This one is simply called the 'Epic View". For whatever reason, the lighting won't work properly, so its always daytime no matter what I do. This scene was mostly done, but was forgotten.

From a top-down perspective, it looks like an eye, which is the idea.

And here's my broken moon that I can't get to act properly most of the time.

Oh lord, the Fighting Polygon Team is here. Sorry to leave you guys behind...

Well this is something. This guy right here is supposed to be Mecha Sonic, the Metal Sonic that appeared in Sonic 3 & Knuckles. He's the final boss of Knuckle's story, I believe. He was supposed to be part of my Metal Sonic Corps scene and despite being completed, I never finished the scene.

Here we have what was originally called The Hybrid, but then renamed into The Abomination. It was made to look creepy, and I kinda got inspiration from SCP-096 of the SCP series. (Read the story regarding it. It's a short, but good read).

The main reason I forgot this one is this: it's mouth. I failed on it spectacularly.

From my Metal Corps scene, this was another Metal Sonic I completed: Shard the Metal Sonic. He comes from the comics in the Pre-Genesis Wave timeline, and is the original Metal Sonic that has been upgraded over the years. His 1.0 form raced Sonic in the Stardust Speedway zone, but when Sonic unleashed his Figure 8 Super Peel Out move, Metal Sonic started melting due to the friction of trying to keep up with him. In his 2.0 form, after Robotnik trapped Sonic and the Freedom Fighters, Knuckles banded together the Chaotix, and Robotnik sent Metal Sonic to do battle with them, further powerd by a Power Gem inserted into his chest. It was ultimately destroyed in the end. In his 2.5 version, he gained true sentience, and set out to kill Sonic once and for all, personally tormenting him both mentally and physically. After seeing Tails, however, risk his life to save Sonic whilst inside an active volcano, Metal understood the true meaning of free will, and sacrificed himself to save Sonic and Tails, being buried under rocks and magma. A long time after that, The Royal Service found his slagged remains, and discovered that his Power Gem stored his personality and programing, meaning after all that time, he was still alive. Sonic's Uncle Chuck rebuilt him as Shard, who fights for good and justice, and serves under the Royal Secret Service under the codename "Agent Jack". Unfortunately, Metal Sonic 3.7 was sent by Dr. Eggman to take care of him. At first Metal came to take the life of one of Sonic's comatose friends. This was fortunately averted after Shard convinced Metal to fight him one-on-one in the remains of the Knothole Forest. After a duel to the death, 3.0 was defeated, but he kamikaze exploded, leaving Shard gravely injured. Due to the Genesis Wave, his ultimate fate is unknown (but we can sadly assume he's dead, since his signal cut out the last time we saw him).

God, am I a huge Sonic nerd. Anyways, his 3D Model that I made was completed, but the scene he was meant for was not finished, unfortunately.

This was a failed attempt at trying to make Neo Metal Sonic. I didn't even try.

The same can be said for these two: Silver Sonic 2.0 and Silver Sonic 3.0, both based from the Comics.

This is supposed to be Metal Sonic Kai, which is, in both the comics and in Knuckles Chaotixs, one of Metal Sonic's forms. Both were ultimately destroyed in their respective universes, however. Also supposed to be part of the Metal Corps, he was forgotten despite being completed.

A stick man. Nothing more, nothing less.

This was mean to be the Temple of the Word of Justice. I can't show the inside (due to the lighting being too dark), but it is somewhat big.

One of my first models: the Royal Knight. He's actually a modified version of my very first made model.

Remember back in my SWORD_MASTER.EXE post that I said I couldn't make Kirby? Well, this is why. I worked on him since he was simple to create. Nearly everything is done save for his soul-sucking eyes. God, those eyes. I could never get them right, so I abandoned it altogether.

Using this scene, I tried to make a really big animation. Sadly, I don't know much animation, so This scene was ultimately forgotten.

This was a failed attempt at trying to make a star system. I had the general planets and star completed, but because I wanted them to be true-to-life sized, the planets are WAY too small. Once again, it was left behind.

This one was not exactly left behind. Its called the Guarde Unit. I submitted this for a Mount contest for an online MMORPG I play called Elsword several months ago (I still do play it, although not as often as I did before). In the contest, you can vote for your favorite Mount (although it doesn't guarantee that you will win; it just helps the GM's and judges know which ones are community favorites). The Winner gets to have their dream Mount made in the game for them. There were other contests as well, such ass Accessories,  Skill Cut-Ins, and even your dream Costume for your character. I made this as quick as I could and submitted it. I thought I had it in the bag. I was horribly mistaken. I only got one vote. One freaking vote. All the other ones got at least 5 votes. Apparently, my idea sucked something fierce. So now this guy just rests in my folder ashamedly.

Thats everything I have, and I don't plan on finishing these any time soon. Period.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The Strider Berserker Updated

Well, I left some hanging by introducing the Berserker, but not covering him. So, here he is.

As you can see, both forms of the Berserker differ, with the updated parts that make him look more menacing. Unlike his original, crazy form, his new form has a lot more focus, and is able to make more devastating attacks.

Of all of my Striders, he has the most weapons, being a double-edged spear, a sword, and his signature hammer. The designs were meant to be somewhat elegant in contrast to his brutality.

Also, you may be wondering: what the heck is the point of these to spheres on his back. And what are those sticking out from them? Well, if I select the objects inside and use the scale tool to make them bigger...

TA-DA! He has wings, enabling him to fly. Great, a robot with brutal strength, many weapons at his disposal, and can fly. (Also, I am aware that his wings look like some sort of crazy mask)

And its epic pose time!

Well, this is one of my MAYA 2014 models that I'll be posting every now and then. I'm still getting the hang of Z-Brush.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Something New

If you're someone who views my blog regularly ,hen I have some news. I'm currently trying out a new program called Z-Brush, which allows me to sculpt models rather than using primitive shapes in MAYA 2014. This allows for much more creativity, but may also require more time. I plan on making one of my own Original Characters using this program, although because I'm new to it, it will take time. You won't be seeing a lot from me over the next several months, but I will try to make even better models than the ones I make now.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The Return


Well, its a new year for modeling, and probably my last year for now.
Anyways, take a look at my Sonic OC: Jack "Frost" the Arctic Wolf. He has the ability to control and manipulate ice, which is how he earned his name. He's only 10 years old, but he's surprisingly mature. The only thing immature about him is his ironic temper. He hails from another dimension.

Well, thats all for now. I'll have some more models soon.