Thursday, June 9, 2016

End-Year Scene

End of the Road

Well, this is it. My last scene for now. School is over after tomorrow, and I won't be back until mid-August. 

This scene features every single 3D Model I've made and shown this year (My god, I have so many). It features- From left to right, The Updated Beserker, The Black Widow, Stickman, Captain Falcon Fighting Polygon, Mecha Knight, Obi Wan Kenobi (Below Mecha Knight), The Archangel (Behind Obi Wan), The Striders, The Updated Armored Soldier (To the left behind The Striders), Darth Maul(Left middle behind The Striders), Star Dream (Big thing in the back), Sanik (Middle, behind The Striders), Kirby Fighting Polygon (In front of The Striders), The Gnarlash (Middle right of Striders), Joe (Next to Gnarlash), Mecha Sonic, Qui Gon Gin (Below Mecha Sonic), Meta Knight, Dark Matter Swordsman (Above Meta Knight), Samus Fighting Polygon (In front of Meta Knight), and finally, ROGUE-00.

I have SOOOOOO many models. I'm surprised I haven't started to try and make a game with them. But anyways, this is my last scene until I'm back in 12th grade. As for now, I say Au Revoir!

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