Friday, May 20, 2016



Well, this took longer than it should have. After a long while, I finally finished this: My recreation of yet another boss battle in Kirby: Planet Robobot: Meta Knight vs Dark Matter Clone. (Or as I like to call him, The Dark Matter Swordsman)

The Arena the two fighters are dueling on is supposed to somewhat (Albeit it looks nowhere near) look like the place where you fight the Dark Matter Swordsman.

Now onto the models themselves.

 Behold, everyone's favorite knight: Meta Knight! After creating Mecha Knight, all I did was edit him a little to create the real Meta Knight.

 This is his main weapon: Galaxia. Its a blade of legend, and is extra powerful. Only those that are worthy may wield its power, and our badass knight is definitely worthy.

 I've edited the wings. The wings are actually part of Meta Knights' cape, or rather, they form his cape that he usually wears when not in battle.

 Due to MAYA 2014 being stupid, This was the best I could do for his M Insignia on his pauldron.

Finally, his most prominent feature: His mask. Sorry, but you'll see no de-masking of this knight today.
Next up is the Dark Matter Swordsman, a big throwback to Kirby's Dreamland 2!

First, dat mask.
Second, dat... hair?

Third, dat cape.

Finally, his sword, the Dark Matter Blade. It's powered by dark energy, yet in Planet Robobot, it ironically can use rainbow attacks, which is Dark Matter's achilles heel.

The one thing that bothers me about this guy: He's a badass-looking boss, but how the heck is he able to wield a sword without limbs, period? Its the exact same thing in his return: No arms, but he swings that blade like a pro!

Lastly, we have Star Dream, a supercomputer with the power to grant wishes, but also wishes to destroy all life in the universe. It serves as the final boss in Planet Robobot, and the most brutal in its EX form: Star Dream Soul OS, coming in 4 Phases! Before I go on about the model (Which isn't much, by the way), I must say this: I got very lazy-and impatient-with designing Star Dream, which is why it doesn't bear that much resemblance to the actual Star Dream. Plus, the actual Star Dream would've taken me much longer to complete.

Star Dream has what looks like wings, and it has panels on them. which are seen in its battle.

It also has this somewhat creepy-looking eye that, in the game, seems to follow you everywhere the camera pans to.

I would make Kirby himself, in which I did, but he looks rather... off. Sorry, but Kirby won't be making it here anytime soon.

Stay tuned, since all my side projects are done, I can get back to my original ones, including the Strider Series.

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