Monday, February 22, 2016

The Striders.

 Behold, all the Strider Models I've used in one big scene! I'll be covering each model in this.

Viewers of my older posts will see that this is my original model. Originally dubbed "The Hedgehog-Class Strider", I've renamed him to Blue. Thats it, just Blue. His weapon of choice is the Light Katana, also known as "Light Edge". He used to be a high-ranking officer in the Military Corps, but was sentenced to execution after committing a grave act. The thing is, he didn't do it...

Before I explain this once, I must say that all of these models I used are modified versions of the original, Blue. Experts can tell just by looking at them all.

Anywho, this is Green, Blue's friend. He too was a high-ranking officer before he turned traitor to the Queen to help his friend. He's one of the 3 characters in this scene to have multiple weapons. His melee weapon is the Light Staff. Behind his right arm, although unused in the comic, is actually an arm cannon that he uses to shoot opponents.

This is the Queen. She rules over the Strider Race, after the death of her husband, the King. However, she is a little cruel and unforgiving. She and Blue seem to know whats going on the most, but they're enemies. She wields the Royal Staff, which is actually, in secret, a weapon more than some fancy staff. What it does will be covered in a future part of this series. Note that this is also my first female model. Trust me, with the modeling skills I have now I'm better off doing male models.

This is the Knight, who is actually Blue's brother. Although he seems to not like his own brother, in secret, he knows something is up, and he knows executing his brother is just wrong. If anything, he wants his brother to escape, but is bound by his loyalty to the Queen. As his name suggests, he is skilled in knightly ethics. His weapon of choice is the Double-Edge, a twin-edged light sword.

This is the Commander, the leader of the Military Corps. He has served the longest in the Corps. The scar he got on his face was from battle in a war with the humans. Unfortunately for him, it cannot be removed without causing permanent damage, so he's stuck with it. He also has the biggest temper, and when he's enraged, he becomes quite murderous. He does try to act in a casual way, no matter the situation, but it only serves to hide his callous personality, which is a result of the war with the humans. His weapons are the Light Mace and the Laser Mini. The Light Mace is sure to kill anyone with one hit, and the Laser Mini is a minigun that shoots lasers.

This is the Berserker. He's one of the earliest combat Striders made. However, at the time, he was too powerful to control, so he was therefore contained and locked away. His weapon is the Light Hammer, a hammer that can cause burst of dangerous light waves when struck onto the ground, hurting everyone but the user. He actually has two more weapons, but I will get to those another time. The only reason I'm showing his model is because in the future, its going to change, as the Commander said.

I Almost forgot this guy. These are the Grunts. They make up part of the Queen's Royal Guard and most of the Military Corps. They wield Light Spears that can shoot lasers. They're the most expendable rank of the Military Corps. Their only personality they have is their undying loyalty to the Queen and commanding officers, and their unforgiving hatred of anything that opposes either. They're quite weak, and can easily be dispatched, though.

These are the citizens of the Strider Race. They come in Grey and white for the male models, and Dark Lavender and Lavender for the females.

These models actually have a weapon, the Light Knife. Its really weak, however.

These are the two we saw in the beginning, Grey and White. Although they share the same models as the citizens, they are distinguished by their hats. They serve as the spectators and commentators of the series
Lastly, who is this guy. I already know, though. He plays a somewhat big role in the story, but that won't be revealed until later.

Now that this is over, I'll be working on the next piece, so just wait until it comes.

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