Monday, November 16, 2015

Terror in Paris

Well, this was a disturbing event. Everyone, I'm here to give my prayers out to the families of those who were injured or killed during what I'm calling "The Siege of Paris". This was an act of terrorism not against just paris, not against just Europe, but against the whole world. I stand with Paris, and pray for the city, that it may be safer in the future. ISIS has gone too far. That is why we need to stand up for each other and work together after this bloodthirsty attack. I personally don't understand why this would happen, why this should happen, or what cause is this too. Maybe the end-times are coming, maybe not. One thing is for certain: these terrorists will not win in the end. Until the big fight with them is over, we need too stand united, stay strong and vigilant, and stay safe.


Friday, November 13, 2015

Sebastian Update

Back with another update. I've made some small changes to my latest model.

First of all, I've given Sebastian a hidden knife. This knife, in his world, could be the last thing you see before you die.

I've also given him his sword, Elysium. Its a shiny blade with a purple glowing crystal.

Lastly, I've given him a strap for his sheathed sword.

Did you think this was really the update I've mentioned. I'm not quite done yet.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Sebastian, the black-and-white Wolf

 My new model has been done. One of my OC's (Original Characters), he's the post-apocalyptic survivor: Sebastian. He's also known as "The black-and-white Wolf". He's one of the most dangerous "Lone Wolves" to roam the world.

 He's packing leather arm-guards, needed for any kind of survival.

 He has a leather belt with pouches, which contains various supplies, such as quick snacks, medicine, water, and the like.

 He also has leather leg-guards. They have some iron protection on them.

He usually wears a hood on his head, but when removed, it reveals his trademark two-toned black and white hair.

I'm actually not quite finished with this guy. I just have a few things I want to add. Call this an early reveal.