Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The Rainbow Knight

Behold! My new model: The Rainbow Knight! He may be called that, but his look is not what you'd expect from hearing the name alone. He can harness his inner energy to create rainbow-looking attacks. He's a good guy, by the way.

His weapon of choice is the Crossblade. It fires daggers at high speeds, and has a bladed tip. The blade can be separated from the Crossbow itself for more mobility.

His shield is his main defense, blocking nearly anything. He can throw it like a boomerang, and it will return to him.

This is his emblem, the rainbow gem. It's merely for decoration.

Oh, he has rainbow quills on his armor that glow. Pretty cool, huh?

The same thing, but on his feet.

I'm working on a redesign of this guy. It should be done in a few days.

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