Monday, March 23, 2015

Emmy Noether's 133rd Birthday

this is in tribute to Emmy Noether's 133rd birthday. She was a great physicist, and was the reason that we have the equation E=mc2. By that , I mean she inspired the great Albert Einstein to do the works of science we have today.

     There are times when I think back on all the accomplishments I've made n my life, despite my young age. Middle school was, by far, the most frustrating experience for me. In middle school, I had problems making friends, mainly because no one, and I mean NO ONE, really wanted to be my friend. People called me fat, and actually expected me to act like the stereotypical fat person. I almost could not care less about what they said, I pushed on. They kept on with the insults, even insulting me out loud in the classroom. They still didn't stop me. Then old enemies came to my school, trying to continue what was already in the past. That still didn't stop me. Eventually, on graduation day, I graduated Salutatorian of Horace Mann. I wasn't the smartest kid in the school, nor did I take many extra credit classes, but at least I made it to the top of the league. Well, almost the top. I may have gotten  A LOT of "haters" that day, but at least I know I will be more successful than they will.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Sowrd of Justice

This is my recently finished project, The Sword of justice. This is the sword in its pedestal.

Whomever draws the sword from its pedestal, if deemed worthy, he or she will have the title "Hero of Justice". My original character is the one worthy of the title. Those with evil hearts will not be able to use this swords' power, and trying to use it against the chosen one of the sword is impossible.

This is a pic of the sword itself. I had a few other designs, like a different look for the blade/hilt, different colors, etc. This design just stuck, so I chose it. When I get better in this modeling department, it will look more defined.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Another Update.. and a BIG one

I am back, and I bring a picture of nearly all the models I've made so far. Im also using these same models for what I call "The Big Animation". I plan on finishing that project soon.

Notice, The Cyborg now has a lower-class version of himself: Cybot. Like The Cyborg, Cybot has 3 arm types. However, Cybot is considerably weaker than The Cyborg, so he can be taken out easily. What Cybot lacks in strength, he makes up for sheer numbers. Yes, he is MASS PRODUCED!

This is a picture of my model called "The Bad Guy". Thats it, just "The Bad Guy". He has no weapons, just magic.

Speaking of weapons, these are the weapons that will be used in my project. They include weapons from the Armored Soldier and the Royal Knight, and weapons for the Minion Variant of The Bad Guy.

This is the Minion Variant of The Bad Guy. Like Cybot, theres so many, but they're weak. They carry both spiked clubs and Bow and arrows.

This guy, btw, is the Royal Knight. He's appeared in my pictures in the past.

A Pic of his weapon.

Like I said, the Cybots come in 3 types and are MASS PRODUCED!

This is Early work of My original character, whom I've drawn many times before. He may look like the Royal Knight, but he will look different.

Also, HE HAS FINGERS!!! It took me a while, but he has ACTUAL FINGERS!!!

He also has a sheath for his sword, a minor detail.



The only regret i have about this is his spikes. I need to seriously work on them.

Thats all for now. I will update soon.