Thursday, December 14, 2017

Enter! The Ultra Beasts! (PART 6!?)

Well, Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon have long come out, and playing the game was pretty good. However, I might be doing extra parts on the Ultra Beasts, where I model my own version of the Ultra Beast. The new Ultra beasts include Poipole and it's evolution Naganadel (Also known as UB-Adhesive), Pennyw- I mean Bacephalon (Also known as UB-Burst) and Donald Trump's Wall in Pokemon form called Stakataka (Also known as UB-Assembly.)

I would love to work on these models... if I had a computer that could allow me to do such thing. Sadly, the college I'm in that I'm required to go to is unfortunately lacking any such thing, meaning I'm stuck here without any way of doing 3D modeling.
