Friday, April 29, 2016

Strider Series Part 3

Guard: You there! Stop!!!
Guard: Get back here!
Guard: Don't let them get away!!

Prisoner: I JUST got this cache of Nanons! I'm not giving this up! Not now, not ever!!!

Prisoner: OUT OF THE WAY, PUNK!!!



 Guard: Thanks, sir. You've really been a good help with this prison mess.
Knight: Nothing to it. Is there a status report on the current situation?

 Guard: Well, as far as I can tell from radio chatter, things are a bit messy, but cleanup is going with less and less problems. Soon, we'll have this situation under control, and we can get back to finding the traitors.
Knight: The traitors...

 New Guard: Sir's! We have a huge emergency!
Guard: What is it now?

New Guard: We just got word that there have been two new prison breaks at Prisons Upsilon-A1 and Tau-H4!
Guard: Are you kidding me! We're almost done with the first one! Now theres two more!?

 Guard: I'll set up a blitzkrieg over at headquarters. We need to get this done as fast as possible. New guy, you escort these prisoners back to their cells.
New Guard: Yes sir!

New Guard: Alright guys, let's escort these guys back to where they belong. Long live the Queen!

Knight: Long live the Queen...

Green (Over Radio): Hey. Any news?
Blue: Yeah. Good news.

Blue: Although the guards are almost done with the first prison, it seems other prisoners are setting other prisons free.
Green (Over Radio): Excellent. Anything else?
Blue: My brother is helping with the cleanup. If anything, I'd say now's the time. Is your arm healed up yet?
Green (Over Radio): Mostly.
Blue: Then we move on.

Prisoner: Keep quiet! He's gonna hear us!

Prisoner: Crap! He heard us! Run for it!

Commander (Over Raido):We're gonna want to keep an eye on him. He's been acting suspicious lately.

Commander (Over Radio): Oh look. It's the traitor. Wonder what he's doing here...

Commander (Over Radio): Now now, save your strength. He'll get his soon. He'll pay for what he did.

Commander (Over Radio): Right now, we need for you to head back to finish off the last of your tests. After that, you'll be ready.

Commander (Over Radio): Once you finish the finial tests, I promise you, he'll be all yours.


Monday, April 18, 2016

The Strider Series part 2


Guard 1: Aye.
Guard 2: Yeah?
Guard 1: Do ya ever wonder why we're here?
Guard 2: We're here to guard the prison.
Guard 1: No, I mean WHY are we here?
Guard2: Oh. Nah, not really.

Guard 1: Wait... Lookit over there!
Guard 2: Huh?
Guard 1: Well, if it ain't The Grand Traitor and Public Enemy Number 1.

Guard 1: Come to find yourselves a cell? You don't need to, 'cause you two are no longer "under arrest".
Guard 2: Uh, yeah. What he said.
Green: If you two know what's best for yourselves, get out of our way.

Guard 1: Nah. I think I'm good right here: In your way and a few feet away from a good promotion. Ain't that right, Mate.
Guard 2: Uh, sure...
 Green: Don't kid yourselves. Outta the way, or something REALLY bad will happen.

Guard 1: I ain't kidding ya, Mate. And I think you're the one who's gonna hvae something REALLY bad happen, ya think?
Guard 1: HAH!

 Guard 1: DAAAUGH!!!

 Guard 2: Uh-oh......

Guard 2: Look, he was a jerk anyways, I don't get paid enough for this, and this job absolutely SUCKS. So if you'll excuse me, I'll run away and never speak of this.

Green: Riiiiight... Okay, so let me explain. what we're doing.

Green: if we just go straight to the Queen, chances are, her guards are gonna find us well before we find her. So I figured: We need to make some noise. Not in one place, but everywhere.

Green... and what better way to do that than releasing an entire prison of Striders? With them causing mayhem everywhere, it'll be easier for us to move around.

Blue: But the Queen isn't exactly dull. Sure, she'll send guards to contain the prisoners, but she'll realize its some kind of diversion, so she'll fortify her own defenses.
Green: I'm well aware of that, which is why after this, we'll head for the weapons depot, which has all sorts of weaponry that'll blow through her defenses.

 Green: We're starting with the prison since its relatively easy to take over. Besides, even though there are a LOT of prisoners...

 Green:... There aren't that... many... guards...

Blue: The Queen must've known we'd come here.

Warden: ATTACK!!!

Green: Hmm...
Green: Guess I have no choice...

 Warden: Keep firing!

 Green: BURN OUT!!!


 Blue: Woah...

 Green: Ngh... damn it...

 Green: !!!

 Warden: Best thing about being a Warden: You get a few extra perks that the others can't.

 Warden: Now say Au Revoir before I kill you, traitor.


Green: Thanks for the save.

Blue: Where the hell did you acquire such power?
Green: Well, during my service, I was given a few weapon upgrades, this being the biggest one: The White Noise Cannon.

Green: Only problem is that it drains my power cells, so until I recharge over time, my arm will not function. Bummer though, 'cause I was trying to save it for the Queen.
Blue: How long until you recharge?
Green: It'll take a while.

Blue: Well, theres only one thing left to do now...

Some Place Unknown

Queen: Commander, if you're calling me, you better have some good news for me.

Commander: Oh, then maybe I should just end the call.
Queen:... Just tell me what it is.

Commander: Well, its just as you predicted: the traitors infiltrated the prison. Shortly afterward, there were reports of escaped convicts everywhere. Injuries reported, but no reports of casualties just yet.
Queen: What of the guards? Is there anyone who can say what went on?

 Commander: Well, thats the problem. The only person we found was the warden, and he was on the floor with a hole going clean to the back of his head. We found traces of White Noise radiation, so I'm guessing the traitors got a hold of a White Noise Cannon.
Queen: I can guess how that happened.

Queen: Most importantly, what of those projects you and your team have been feverishly trying to finish?
Commander: Well, since these projects were put on hold, resuming them is going very smoothly. We're even ahead of schedule, thanks to our new Quantum tech.
Queen: Good. At least there's a few ways to stop those traitors.

Queen: I'm going to end the call so I can attend to some matters of my own. You just finish your projects. Do not disappoint me, or I'll you'll be worse than humiliated, like you were when they escaped.
Commander:... Yes, my queen. Commander out.

Queen: I have a feeling his plans are going to blow up in his face, even if he attends to matters himself. I need to make some failsafes...

 ???: Ah, you've finally arrived. Glad you could meet us here.

 Blue: Oh. Its just you two.

 Green: So, what do you guys want?
???: Well...

 White:... We wan't  a few answers as to what you're doing.

 *A Quick Explanation Later*

 Grey: I see... after hearing that, you have our full support. We'll help you as much as we can.

 Grey: Come over to my house. We'll discuss your next move from there.