Thursday, March 31, 2016


 My new model: ROGUE-00. It's an evolving "combataroid" who's origin is unknown. What is known about it is that it apparently can travel in-between entire universes at will. It travels to said universes to find a worthy opponent. To draw him/her out, it goes on a rampage, destroying all in its path, gathering info along the way. Once it's worthy opponent has been found, it attacks them with all of its might. If that opponent is defeated, it will add his/her fighting style to its own. If it cannot defeat him/her, then it will return one day after it gets better. Its job is basically, in a nutshell, fighting everything, 24/7, in order to evolve its combat abilities. Now, onto the model itself.

 In ROGUE-00's chest is a glowing core of infinite dimensional energy. The core is its energy, and it uses the energy to travel through universes. If its defeated and damaged, then it will use this energy to travel back to wherever it came from to repair itself. If completely deactivated in a fight, an emergency protocol activates, and activates a portal that sucks in whats left of it. This core apparently gives ROGUE-00 minor regenerative abilities.

 One of the intimidating things about ROGUE-00 is its single, red eye. It can scan just about everything in sight, and can gain info on any threat just by one scan. Also, somehow, if you were to stab it in the eye, it can still fight as if it can still see you. Stabbing it in the head period won't do much good either, but chopping it's head off will definitely render it defeated. Good luck with that though, since its metal of unknown origin is stupidly strong.

 Another intimidating thing is that its very tall. If its arms look freakishly long, believe me, they're supposed to be that way. He also has claws on his fingers.

  ROGUE-00 has a jetpack for flight and transportation. Somehow, it has infinite fuel. Maybe it gets its power from the core.

 On both of ROGUE-00's arms are two "Pylons". They carry its weaponry. Its adaptable to any situation. It usually has either a laser blaster, or a blade come from it, but it can be anything.

One thing that you should have noticed: ROGUE-00 is not colored. He is one of my OC's, but I have no idea how his coloring should be. He's actually one of my more recent OC's. Nonetheless, he will have color. Just stay tuned.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

How... Interesting.

What is this, you might ask? You'll find out in the next coming days.

Also, I'M BACK FROM SPRING VACATION! Was way too short-lived, though...

Friday, March 18, 2016


Okay, so my strider series is going to continue. However, I have good news and bad news. The good news is, I've set up most things for the next part. The bad news is, I have one more location to model, and I'm about to go on Spring Break tomorrow. I can only model at school, since my laptop at my home can't handle MAYA. I will be back the week after next.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Early Flu Season?

Well... this ain't good. I've been silent for the past 3 days because I got horribly sick with the flu. I'm feeling better, but I'm still sick... Everything will be good soon.